Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on January 26, 1965
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Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on January 26, 1965
Phyllis Lyon & Del Martin Papers.
Repository: GLBT Historical Society
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The general membership meeting of the Council on Religion and the Homosexual was called to order by Don Lucas at 7:45 p.m. January 26, 1965 in the Fellowship Hall of Glide Memorial Methodist Church.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Pres. Ted McIlvenna explained membership in the Council to newcomers. There are no membership fees involved, only the signing of a membership blank indicating the member to be 21 years of age and subscribing to the aims and goals of the Council. All members are expected to actively participate in Council committee work.
Herb Donaldson explaining that the trial resulting from New Year's Ball had been postponed. The district attorney has now been given 10 days to amend the complaint to a more specific charge than "obstructing a police officer in line of duty."
Don Lucas reported that figures on the New year's Ball were incomplete. Monies are still outstanding from Strait & Associates and the Coits.
Income from the bar, hat check, etc. 1017.89
Invitations 1504.00
2521 Actual income
1122.87 Paid out
863.90 Bills to pay
535.12 Balance
Evander Smith pointed out that the trial of the two fellows arrested on the dance floor would probably be put over until after the attorneys' trial. He added that Marshall Krause of the American Civil Liberties Union, who was handling the defense, was looking for witnesses to the actual arrests.
Rev. McIlvenna read the letter directed to Mayor John Shelley from the Council protesting police harassment at the New Year's Ball. He said that no replies to any of the letters sent to the mayor had been received, that the policy of the city administration was absolute silence.
Rev. Cecil Williams said there had been several reporters present at the last meeting who wrote articles for their papers about the proceedings of the Council meeting. He asked that they refrain from doing so in the future. It was suggested that perhaps the Council might issue and require membership cards be presented at meetings when delicate subjects were to be discussed.
Del Martin reported on actions of the Board of Trustees. The officers of the corporation are Rev. Ted McIlvenna, president, Don Lucas, vice-president, Del Martin, secretary, and Bob Walker, treasurer. Length of terms for trustees (1, 2 or 3 years) now serving on the Board was also announced. The Board had not acted on the recommendation of the membership to hold another dance pending the outcome of the trials and further developments which might determine that advisability of such a Council activity. Members of the Board had prepared a tape for presentation on KPFS-FM at a later date. A national conference to be held the last week in October was in the planning stages, and a "brief of injustices" was in preparation by Mark Forrester for release by the Council at the conclusion of the trails.
There was further discussion about sponsoring another ball. Some were critical of such a function as an activity of the Council, feeling that it would not promote
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the dialogue desired by the Council and might have adverse effects. Rev. Cecil Williams said that such a dance should properly be sponsored by the homophile community, by those willing to commit themselves to going to jail. Such a maneuver would be to create tension, and that if it was to be carried through to sensitize society, a greater number must be involved. Civil rights would be the issue.
Mark Forrester expressed doubt that there were enough people in the homophile community ready for such an undertaking.
The alternative was suggested that the Council put all it energies into dialogue and committee work aiming at a large scale conference at which the Council would present significant statements and documents.
Some one suggested the Council might try running an ad in the personals column or the daily papers to announce meetings to the public.
Nancy May reported that Mr. David was putting a resolution in support of
the Council before the Young Democrats at their next meeting.
Rev. Ed Setchko made some verbal suggestions for improving the working of the goals and purposes of the Council. He was asked to present his revisions in writing to the Board of Trustees.
The next general meeting was set for March 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Glide Church.
Don Lucas read the list of committees and the trustees spearheading them as follows:
Publications - Hal Call, Phyllis Leon, Guy Strait, Don Kuhn
Interpretations of Denominations - Revs. Bob Cromey, Chuck Lewis and
Clay Colwell
Public Relations - Canon Bob Cromey and Don Lucas
Orientations - Don Lucas and Rev. Jan Marinessen
Legal - Bill Bendemphl
Theology - Revs. Bob Cromey, Dick Whitman, Ed Stechko and John Moore
Informational Packets - Rev. Ted McIlvenna
Committee to plan series of three retreats or seminars to which professional, persons, politicians and business people would be invited - Rev. Clay Colwell
Committee to explore TV and radio program possibilities - Phyllis Leon
Committee to work on Council statement similar to Quaker View of Sex -
Del Martin, Rev. Laird Sutton
Committee tor planning October conference Mark Forrester
Finance - Bob Walker
Social Actions Projects - Rev. Cecil Williams
Members were asked to meet right aft.er the meeting with the trustee spearheading the committee they were interested in working on. Rev. John Moore was to take over Theology Committee and Rev. Chuck Lewis would fill in for Rev. Clay Colwell on the Retreat Planning Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Del Martin
The general membership meeting of the Council on Religion and the Homosexual was called to order by Don Lucas at 7:45 p.m. January 26, 1965 in the Fellowship Hall of Glide Memorial Methodist Church.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Pres. Ted McIlvenna explained membership in the Council to newcomers. There are no membership fees involved, only the signing of a membership blank indicating the member to be 21 years of age and subscribing to the aims and goals of the Council. All members are expected to actively participate in Council committee work.
Herb Donaldson explaining that the trial resulting from New Year's Ball had been postponed. The district attorney has now been given 10 days to amend the complaint to a more specific charge than "obstructing a police officer in line of duty."
Don Lucas reported that figures on the New year's Ball were incomplete. Monies are still outstanding from Strait & Associates and the Coits.
Income from the bar, hat check, etc. 1017.89
Invitations 1504.00
2521 Actual income
1122.87 Paid out
863.90 Bills to pay
535.12 Balance
Evander Smith pointed out that the trial of the two fellows arrested on the dance floor would probably be put over until after the attorneys' trial. He added that Marshall Krause of the American Civil Liberties Union, who was handling the defense, was looking for witnesses to the actual arrests.
Rev. McIlvenna read the letter directed to Mayor John Shelley from the Council protesting police harassment at the New Year's Ball. He said that no replies to any of the letters sent to the mayor had been received, that the policy of the city administration was absolute silence.
Rev. Cecil Williams said there had been several reporters present at the last meeting who wrote articles for their papers about the proceedings of the Council meeting. He asked that they refrain from doing so in the future. It was suggested that perhaps the Council might issue and require membership cards be presented at meetings when delicate subjects were to be discussed.
Del Martin reported on actions of the Board of Trustees. The officers of the corporation are Rev. Ted McIlvenna, president, Don Lucas, vice-president, Del Martin, secretary, and Bob Walker, treasurer. Length of terms for trustees (1, 2 or 3 years) now serving on the Board was also announced. The Board had not acted on the recommendation of the membership to hold another dance pending the outcome of the trials and further developments which might determine that advisability of such a Council activity. Members of the Board had prepared a tape for presentation on KPFS-FM at a later date. A national conference to be held the last week in October was in the planning stages, and a "brief of injustices" was in preparation by Mark Forrester for release by the Council at the conclusion of the trails.
There was further discussion about sponsoring another ball. Some were critical of such a function as an activity of the Council, feeling that it would not promote
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the dialogue desired by the Council and might have adverse effects. Rev. Cecil Williams said that such a dance should properly be sponsored by the homophile community, by those willing to commit themselves to going to jail. Such a maneuver would be to create tension, and that if it was to be carried through to sensitize society, a greater number must be involved. Civil rights would be the issue.
Mark Forrester expressed doubt that there were enough people in the homophile community ready for such an undertaking.
The alternative was suggested that the Council put all it energies into dialogue and committee work aiming at a large scale conference at which the Council would present significant statements and documents.
Some one suggested the Council might try running an ad in the personals column or the daily papers to announce meetings to the public.
Nancy May reported that Mr. David was putting a resolution in support of
the Council before the Young Democrats at their next meeting.
Rev. Ed Setchko made some verbal suggestions for improving the working of the goals and purposes of the Council. He was asked to present his revisions in writing to the Board of Trustees.
The next general meeting was set for March 16 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Glide Church.
Don Lucas read the list of committees and the trustees spearheading them as follows:
Publications - Hal Call, Phyllis Leon, Guy Strait, Don Kuhn
Interpretations of Denominations - Revs. Bob Cromey, Chuck Lewis and
Clay Colwell
Public Relations - Canon Bob Cromey and Don Lucas
Orientations - Don Lucas and Rev. Jan Marinessen
Legal - Bill Bendemphl
Theology - Revs. Bob Cromey, Dick Whitman, Ed Stechko and John Moore
Informational Packets - Rev. Ted McIlvenna
Committee to plan series of three retreats or seminars to which professional, persons, politicians and business people would be invited - Rev. Clay Colwell
Committee to explore TV and radio program possibilities - Phyllis Leon
Committee to work on Council statement similar to Quaker View of Sex -
Del Martin, Rev. Laird Sutton
Committee tor planning October conference Mark Forrester
Finance - Bob Walker
Social Actions Projects - Rev. Cecil Williams
Members were asked to meet right aft.er the meeting with the trustee spearheading the committee they were interested in working on. Rev. John Moore was to take over Theology Committee and Rev. Chuck Lewis would fill in for Rev. Clay Colwell on the Retreat Planning Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.
Del Martin
“Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on January 26, 1965”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/crh/item/1797.