Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on May 4, 1965

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Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on May 4, 1965


Phyllis Lyon & Del Martin Papers.


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The general membership meeting of the Council on Religion and the Homosexual held May 4, 1965 in the Glide Memorial Church was called to order by Pres. Ted McIlvenna at 7:55 p.m. The minutes were read and approved. The treasurer reported a total income of $2294.21 and $550.18 in disbursements leaving a balance of $1744.43.

Pres. McIlvenna reported that he still had not received a reply from the attorney general's office and he would send another letter.

Evander Smith regretted to report the outcome of the New Year's Ball trial for the two boys arrested inside the ball room. He cited the concluding remark of Assistant District Attorney O'Brien placing the homophile community on trial as a determining factor in the guilty verdict. O'Brien said in effect that the jury by its verdict would determine the standard of conduct permitted of this type of persons in San Francisco. Asked why an appeal had not been filed, Mr. Smith pointed out that Judge Lazarus, while he denied two defense motions, did lean over backwards on admission of evidence so that there was no room for error and therefore nothing to appeal on. You can't appeal just because you disagree with the jury's verdict, he added.

Don Lucas took over the meeting to receive committee reports. He asked all committee chairmen to keep Phyllis Leon at Glide Foundation informed of when and where their meetings are scheduled.

Miss Leon announced that she was also coordinating a speakers bureau, that many engagements had already been filled and that after the CRH brochure comes off the press a letter of introduction will be sent to the various churches in the city informing them of Council activities and announcing that speakers are available.

Ted McIlvenna reported on his travels. He met with air force officials in Alaska. The chief of chaplains was there and will take up the problem of the homosexual in the armed services at the next chaplains' meeting in Washington, D. C. Rev. McIlvenna also met with church men in New York, Nashville, etc. He found everywhere he went a great deal of interest in the Council and its activities.

Rev. Ed Setchko reported that he had been successful in getting the clergy and members of the homophile community together in the "scared atmosphere" of Honolulu. A meeting has been set up for May 22nd with eight or nine clergymen and about 20 or 30 from the homophile community. Rev. Setchko also met with members of the Daughters of Bilitis and the Mattachine Society in Philadelphia to help them in their attempts to form a Council there.

Pres. McIlvenna said he had received a letter asking for a cooperative program with the National Council of Churches.

Rev. Canon Bob Cromey reported he had spoken before the mental health class at San Jose State College and to various women's groups in San Leandro, San Bruno and the YWCA. He said there was a committee working on Episcopal denominational backing of the Council and pointed out that even if there should be a nay vote, the mere consideration of the proposition is significant. Representatives of "CBS Reports" have spoken with Canon Cromey about CRH, and it is expected that another program will be released this fall on homosexuality. Canon Cromey also suggested members of CRH keep a watch on POW, a new Sunday KPIX program - he and Del Martin have taped a 10-minute interview for this program.

Rev. Ted McIlvenna said he would be on "Night Call", a radio interview program
with national hook-up on Thursday, May 6, 1965.

Don Lucas reported on a meeting with Dr. Isadore Rubin, editor of Sexology magazine,

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who has asked for an article on the Council from Rev. Clay Colwell and a possible editorial from CRH. He also reported that he and Rev. Fred Bird had represented the Council at a Jr. Chamber of Commerce committee meeting.

Bob Koch said that the packet committee had made up materials for distribution during Rev. Cromey's San Jose State talk. He suggested that other speakers avail themselves of the services of his committee.

Rev. Dick Wickman asked that the theology committee meet directly after the meeting to make future plans.

Del Martin reported that the statement committee had completed an outline for the booklet and were now busy with the actual writing of it.

Don Lucas reported on orientations committee sessions at U. C. in Berkeley. He said he had three good teams working and would be developing others.

Rev. Neale Secor spoke in behalf of a San Francisco State College student who was seeking volunteers to fill out questionnaires for a survey on sexual labeling. Twenty questionnaires had already been distributed to heterosexual men and women, and there was need for homosexual volunteers.

Rev. Cecil Williams asked that the Social Action committee meet directly after the meeting to set a date for a committee meeting.

Del Martin reported that Vice President Hubert Humphrey had announced that a conference was to be held in San Francisco on June 10 at the Fairmont Hotel in conjunction with the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. Mrs.
Martin suggested that a letter be written requesting that CRH be allowed to participate in the program.

Rev. Paul Keppel asked what was the place in the church for the homosexual minister. Rev. Cromey said that the Episcopal committee will be dealing with this subject, that it is on the agenda. Rev. Williams said that the Church won't deal with it and that the Council will have to force the issue.

A motion was made by Rodney Smith that a CRH newsletter be issued apprising members of a calendar of events including scheduled radio, TV programs, etc. Second by Stanley Wise. After much discussion of duplication of effort and usurping the prerogatives of the homophile organizations as well as mailing costs, the motion was withdrawn.

Guy Strait moved and Bob Cromey seconded that the Council send a letter of commendation to KRON for the presentation on homosexuality on "Problems Please." Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Strait then moved the Council place classified ads in the S.F. Chronicle at the discretion of the Board of Trustees. Motion passed.

The next meeting was set for June 15 in the Glide Fellowship Hall.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Del Martin


“Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on May 4, 1965”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed March 6, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/crh/item/1800.