Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on June 15, 1965

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Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on June 15, 1965


Phyllis Lyon & Del Martin Papers.


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The general membership meeting of the Council on Religion and the Homosexual was called to order at 7:50 p.m. on June 15, 1965 by President Ted McIlvenna in the Glide Fellowship Hall. The minutes were read and corrected.

The treasurer reported that the previous balance had been $1744.43
Income 295.05
Disbursed 744.08
Balance 1265.40

Rev. McIlvenna said that "CBS" Reports" will be coming out with a special on homosexuality this fall and that three hours of tape had been made on CRH. He also reported that he had met with the Chief of Chaplains and that it was expected that the problem of homosexuality and its treatment in the armed forces will be put on the agenda of the Chaplains meeting in Washington, D. C. this fall. Rev. McIlvenna indicated that the Air Force seemed to be more willing to deal with the problem that the Navy.

Pres. McIlvenna also reported that CRH's request to the President's Committee on Equal Job Opportunity to participate in their June meeting had been refused on the grounds that this particular meeting was specifically on racial and ethnic problems. Rev. Cecil Williams said we should try to get in touch with members of the committee in an effort to get a dialogue started now. Larry Littlejohn reported that he did attend the meeting as a conferee and had brought up the subject in two work shops. He said he passed out 350 copies of a pamphlet (including one to Gov. Brown) and that there had been an item in the S.F. Chronicle.

Rev. Colwell reported on the June l meeting in Los Angeles with ministers he thought would be responsive to our kinds of concern. The day long meeting included L.A. homophile representatives. Those there agreed to meet again to explore the idea of a Council further.

Phyllis Leon said she had written to the three clergymen who had done the program on homosexuality on KRON's "Problems Please." Dean Bartlett asked to be kept advised of future CRH activities. Rabbi Fine referred CRH to the Board Rabbis. Monsignor Hurley did not reply.

Rev. McIlvenna reported on the success of his appearance on "Might Call", a national telephone-in radio program. He said others on the CRH Board will probably appear on future programs.

It was also reported that the Brief of Injustices was ready for printing. While the Board had wanted to hold the Brief for a timely release, it had been decided to go ahead and release it as soon as it is ready.

Bob Walker said that $200 had been appropriated by the CRH Board as part of the
New Years Ball legal defenses expense.

George Hall reported that the Social Action Committee was engaging in a voter registration drive. Rev. Cecil Williams indicated the need for more dialogue with politicians, that they are more apt to listen the more they become aware of a homosexual voting bloc.

Rev. Ted McIlvenna and Attorney Evander Smith cited a problem of police brutality recently brought to their attention. They outlined a program for dealing with such violations. Get badge number of police officer, get in touch with a clergyman immediately and have photos taken, get a doctor's certificate. Persons aware of police brutality cases were asked by Bob Walker to pass along whatever information they might have to the CRH Board so that it could be documented and proper action taken with municipal authorities. Rev. Paul Keppel said the

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Legal Committee should handle .this project. Phyllis Leon pointed out that the CRH Board had already directed this committee to draw up a leaflet of instructions to be widely distributed amid the homophile community and to investigate the possibility of a 24-hour answering service which would have a list of doctors, photographers and legal resources.

A proposal of a CRH picnic this summer met with lukewarm approval. Bob Koch moved, Paul. Keppel seconded that a letter be sent out to all cooperative organizations and that plans for a picnic be subject to their general reaction. Motion passed.

Bill Woodson reported that the statement committee was busy writing and editing, that something had been written on three of the five sections of the pamphlet. He also suggested that the Legal Committtee might attempt to familiarize CRH members with proposed bills in the State legislature, that might require a letter writing campaign.

Del Martin moved, Dorr Jones seconded that the Council join ACLU and Friends
Committee on Legislation. Passed unanimously.

The Theology Committee reported a change in name to Committee for Dialogue on Theology and the Homosexual. A conference in October with the faculty of the S.F. Theological Seminary has been planned.

Phyllis Leon reported on public relations. Ramparts Magazine will devote a whole issue to homosexuality this fall. The Palo Alto Lutherans are planning field trips this summer to San Francisco to acquaint themselves with the homophile community. McGraw Hill Publishers have requested a book on the Church and Homosexuality. Rev. McIlvenna and/ or Rev. Don Kuhn will undertake the project. Look Magazine is also preparing a feature on homosexuality for early release.

Bob Koch cited the need for volunteer typists to send out about 300 invitations to various S.F. churches to join CRH.

Rev. Ted McIlvenna expressed the need for cantion in respect to researchers. He said we should require credentials and determine if a survey is valid or not. Above all, do not sign anything. Rev. McIlvenna said that "confidential" surveys being done in Los Angeles were open to question.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.

Del Martin


“Minutes of CRH Membership Meeting on June 15, 1965”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/crh/item/1802.