Ted McIlvenna Talks About Seeing Gay Men Battered by Police
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Ted McIlvenna Talks About Seeing Gay Men Battered by Police
Taped interview with Mark Bowman on January 4, 2005.
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One night, which changed everything for me, I got a call and the call was come to this hotel, which was a real fancy hotel. And I went there and um [sighs] with Hal Call who had called me to come and see this. "I want to show you something." Here were two gay guys with their genitals kicked in, in the hotel room. And I said well let's get them to the hospital. I called Presbyterian, and Prebyterian wouldn't take them. And I called, I said well let's get police in here. We can't get the police in here, because the police did the kicking. I said what in hell is going on? They, the medical community won't take them, the police won't deal with it. Well let's get a photographer.
“Ted McIlvenna Talks About Seeing Gay Men Battered by Police”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/crh/item/1812.