Marianne, Lynn, Kathleen, and Kirstie

Stole Text

In honor of


Sacred Heart Roman Catholic Church

Eureka, California

We present this stole in honor of the LGBT members of our church who were forced out of ministry when their orientation was known, and those unknown who left, feeling no longer at home there.  They were loved and accepted only when closeted and silenced.  They were active leaders in music, in liturgy, in education, and in Cursillo.  They served as Eucharistic ministers, lectors, confirmation class leader, CCD director, study group and prayer group leaders and participants, music leaders, and choir members, and in almost every role in Cursillo teams.

Marianne, Lynn, Kathleen, and Kirstie –

We are sorry.  We love you.

Contribution Story

Dear “Stole People”

               (no longer Martha!)

I saw the Shower of Stoles at the United Methodist General Conference in Pittsburgh 2004.

Back home, some friends from church and I got together to make a stole for friends, church members, who had been fired and excluded.

The items sewn onto the stole were chosen or contributed by the four lesbian women involved. They also gave an OK to use their names, and contributed photos. We, their friends, discussed naming our church clearly and decided we wanted to and needed to.

The stole has been in each of our homes and displayed at a wedding for one of the couples.

Now it’s time to send it on. May their story touch hearts as mine was touched when I read – a few at a time – others’ stories in Pittsburgh.

Blessings on you and on GLBT work


Kathleen Tillinghost

Archival Record

Stole Number: 1076
Honoree(s): Marianne, Lynn, Kathleen, and Kirstie
Donor(s): Kathleen Tillinghost
Geography: Eureka, California (USA)
Faith Tradition: Roman Catholic Church
Donation Date: 2006


“Marianne, Lynn, Kathleen, and Kirstie,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 26, 2025,