Solidarity Stole (Gay/Lesbian Ministry Task Force - NE Pennsylvania Synod)


Stole Text

Is it not a Sin that we lay claim to our Creator’s love even as we deny some of our brothers and sisters?

How dare we call ourselves the Body of Christ when we refuse to welcome as full members some of those for whom He died?

Are we really bearers of Good News when we limit the Spirit’s movement in some of those whom she has given life?

The members of the Gay/Lesbian Ministry Task Force of the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod stand in support of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters. We hope and pray for the day when all God’s children share fully in the life and ministry of this Church.

Contribution Story

Originally a part of the collection of stoles housed by ReconcilingWorks: Lutherans for Full Participation, this stole was donated by them to the Shower of Stoles Project in 2015.

Archival Record

Stole Number: 1222
Honoree(s): Solidarity Stole (Gay/Lesbian Ministry Task Force – NE Pennsylvania Synod)
Donor(s): Gay/Lesbian Ministry Task Force – NE Pennsylvania Synod
Geography: Pennsylvania (USA)
Faith Tradition: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Donation Date:


“Solidarity Stole (Gay/Lesbian Ministry Task Force - NE Pennsylvania Synod),” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 28, 2025,