Martha L. Carroll


Stole Text

Martha L. Carroll
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
South Bend, IN

In 1977 I was ordained as a deacon in the United Methodist Church at the annual conference held in Shreveport, Louisiana. I was presented with this stole. In 1979, I left the UMC and was ordained as a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Camden, Arkansas. Every time I look at this stole I am saddened. It is a constant reminder that I can no longer serve in the denomination in which I grew up and loved so much. Even as a Disciple, it has been difficult. This is my 25th year of ordained ministry. In 1996, at the age of 50, I was called to serve full time in this Open and Affirming congregation that has welcomed me and my partner, Sandra Stratton. It has been a wonderful experience. In many ways it makes up for the many years of secular employment, brief interims, and serving in other capacities, all the while waiting to do what I knew in my heart I was called to do. They were not wasted years. I’m glad I kept the faith. I am delighted to be serving this church. I mourn that so many of my brothers and sisters have given up, moved on, or wait with inordinate patience for the church to recognize what God already knows: We, too, are called to serve.

Contribution Story

Archival Record

Stole Number: 909
Honoree(s): Martha L. Carroll
Donor(s): Pastor Martha L. Carroll
Geography: South Bend, Indiana (USA)
Faith Tradition: United Methodist Church
Donation Date: 2007


“Martha L. Carroll,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 27, 2025,