Signature Stole (McCormick Theological Seminary)


Stole Text

(No narrative, signatures only)

Contribution Story

(Note: A signature stole is one that is covered with the signatures of both gay and straight members of a congregation, denominational governing body, or other organization.  These stoles serve the dual purpose of showing support for LGBT persons, while also protecting their anonymity by including their names as "one among many".)

 This is the first Signature Stole we received from McCormick Theological Seminary; we received three other stoles in later years. 

 My visit to McCormick in 1998, during which this stole was dedicated, was the first time I had returned to my alma mater in almost twenty years.  It was in the arms of McCormick that my inner commitment to social justice was given language, structure and theological context.  More important, this academic study was connected solidly to the human condition, to issues of racism, sexism, economic injustice, violence and war.  I left McCormick a far different person -- a far better person -- than when I began.  In 1998, now "out of the closet" and with two decades of human rights work behind me, it was a gift to be able to return to this place and say, "Thank you!" 

 Although I was forced to leave ordained ministry behind eleven years ago -- and two years ago I left the Presbyterian Church altogether -- I will always be deeply grateful for the education I received at McCormick.  It made me the person I am today -- and that, in so many ways, is what made the vision for this Shower of Stoles possible.


Martha Juillerat

Founder, Shower of Stoles Project


Archival Record

Stole Number: 402
Honoree(s): Signature Stole (McCormick Theological Seminary)
Donor(s): Students and Faculty at McCormick Theological Seminary
Geography: Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 1998


“Signature Stole (McCormick Theological Seminary),” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025,