Daniel Robert Campbell
Stole Text
An Anglo, I grew up in an inner-city Latino congregation in Los Angeles. Most of my spiritual gifters were Hispanic. I served, beginning in 1974, in central-city, bilingual appointments for Latino, Anglo and Filipino folk. Several years were in Phoenix as executive for a nation/regional community center in the heart of the original city barrio.
In the mid-1980's I began to confront my sexuality. (Denial didn't work!) Since moving to Kansas City, I have fought for rights issues, too often serving as a pastor at AIDS funerals, working with the area Ryan White council; and been a speaker for seminars and services as an openly gay man. And, as of October 2000, I am a long-term, 12-year AIDS survivor.
Thanks be to God! Prayers and promises of faith within the Faith.
Contribution Story
Daniel donated this stole to the collection at an ecumenical community display held in Kansas City in 2000.
Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project
Archival Record
Stole Number: 732
Honoree(s): Daniel Robert Campbell
Donor(s): Daniel Robert Campbell
Geography: Kansas City, Missouri (USA)
Faith Tradition: United Methodist Church
Donation Date: 2000