Tanya Denley



Stole Text

Seminarian, McCormick Theological Seminary

Candidate for the Ministry of Word and Sacrament, PC(USA)

I was born and bred Presbyterian.  I never questioned the church until I came out as a lesbian.  When I did that, my best friend asked what the church thought about homosexuality.  My answer was the church was okay with it, as long as you didn't want to be a pastor.  When I received my call to ministry the next year, I laughed at God's sense of humor.

This rainbow stole was given to me in my first year at seminary to wear at my ordination.  I donate it with the hope that I may still wear it at my ordination, whenever that will be.  As I prepare for my graduation from seminary, I face the uncertainty of the church.  The church which has been my home all these years does not want me.  I must find a way now to do ministry and stay connected to the church, which has rejected God's call for me.

Contribution Story

Tanya Denley was active in the leadership of Acts 10:15, the LGBT student organization that hosted a large display of the stoles at McCormick Seminary in 2001.  Acts 10:15 is also a Student Chapter of More Light Presbyterians.

Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project

Archival Record

Stole Number: 700
Honoree(s): Tanya Denley
Donor(s): Tanya Denley
Geography: Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 2001


“Tanya Denley,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 28, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/items/show/524.