Signature Stole ("Called Out" Conference, 2002)

Stole Text

The 11th Annual
Conference for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered & Ally

Contribution Story

"Called Out" was a gathering of LGBT seminarians that met for many years in Chicago either at McCormick Theological Seminary or CTS.  Although students from all over the U.S. and from many denominations came to the conference, it tended to attract large numbers of Presbyterian seminarians from the central third of the country.  This was due in part to strong Presbyterian leadership over the years, especially Marilyn Nash, who contributed countless hours of organizational work and creative worship design to the conference.  (Marilyn Nash's story can be found under her stole entry, #396.)

This spirited, faithful, hope-filled group of young people left the conference prepared to transform the church and the world.  It is fitting, then, that when dripping candle wax from their closing worship service left a large round stain on the stole, someone took pen in hand and transformed the stained spot into a bright, cheerful sun!

Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project

Archival Record

Stole Number: 879
Honoree(s): Signature Stole ("Called Out" Conference, 2002)
Donor(s): Attendees of the Called Out Conference
Geography: Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Faith Tradition: Ecumenical
Donation Date: 2002


“Signature Stole ("Called Out" Conference, 2002),” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 24, 2025,