Thomas Emerick
Stole Text
Director of Music
First Presbyterian Church
Ewing, NJ
As a gay Christian, I dedicate this stole to the glory of God in thanks for the loving recognition my church has made of the gifts brought to the work and worship of the church by the GLBT community; and in hope that the whole body of Christ will soon value the contributions of all its members.
Contribution Story
This is one of sixteen stoles donated by First Presbyterian Church of Ewing, NJ on behalf of members and friends of the congregation. The stoles represent a broad cross section of the church, from ordained elders and deacons, to the Director of Music (this stole), and even the church's custodian.
Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project
Archival Record
Stole Number: 460
Honoree(s): Thomas Emerick
Donor(s): First Presbyterian Church
Geography: Ewing, New Jersey (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 1998