Glyndon Morris


Stole Text

Glyndon Morris
Vanderbilt Divinity School

God brought me out.

A dear little old lady in church talked to my mom about college prospects.  At college, my mom looked at the Student Activities brochure and joked, "Here's one for you -- the Gay and Lesbian Association."  I thought to myself, "Bingo!"  One of the men I lived with in the dorms was the president of the G.A.L.A.  I would never have known of that college but for that little old lady -- in church.

God brought me out.

Contribution Story

Glyndon Morris sent us this stole just as he was entering the Master of Divinity program at Vanderbilt Divinity School in Nashville, TN; he graduated in 2000.  While at Vanderbilt, Glyndon participated in the Carpenter Program in Religion, Gender and Sexuality, completing a Community Project as a Sexual Educator with Planned Parenthood, and Project Paper: Should a Gay Man Join the Presbyterian Church?, including topics on Gay Theology, Gay Ecclesiology, Gay Psychology and Gay Sociology. 

Glyndon currently resides in Arizona and remains active in the work of Grand Canyon Presbytery and More Light Presbyterians, an organization working for the full inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people into the life and leadership of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project

Archival Record

Stole Number: 330
Honoree(s): Glyndon Morris
Donor(s): Glyndon Morris
Geography: Nashville, Tennessee (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 1996


“Glyndon Morris,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed December 21, 2024,