Anonymous Deacon and Elder (Oklahoma)

Stole Text


A favorite writer of mine, Eddie Askew, wrote these words…

"Lord, give me the strength to hold fast to love,
Hold fast to you.
I see you, hanging on the cross.
'Father, forgive them…'
But sometimes, Lord, they DO know what they do!

And still I need to love.
If violence defeated violence
then violence would be left. Victor.
Lord, the victor must be love.
Was love, on the cross.
To death and beyond.
And on the third day,
in your resurrection life
I find the courage to begin.
Tremulous, hesitant as a newborn lamb,
I stand with you, in love.
Staggering and uncoordinated,
yet the hope is there.
That as I live in you
and you in me
the love will grow.
The dream will become reality."

And so, following Christ's example, I strive to love those who would exclude me from the church.

The lining of this stole is fabric which was used in our union ceremony.  Performed in Oklahoma by two Presbyterian pastors, the ceremony was held in a United Church of Christ sanctuary.  My partner and I have been together 15+ years.

I am an ordained deacon and elder… and a beloved child of God.  I am called BY GOD to serve the church and the world.

Contribution Story

This anonymous Presbyterian, ordained as a Presbyterian Deacon and then Elder, asked that further identifying information be withheld. This individual and partner have now been together for 25 years.

Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project

Archival Record

Stole Number: 381
Honoree(s): Anonymous Deacon and Elder (Oklahoma)
Donor(s): Anonymous
Geography: Withheld, Oklahoma (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 1997


“Anonymous Deacon and Elder (Oklahoma),” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed March 6, 2025,