Rev. Ann B. Day


Stole Text

Rev. Ann B. Day
United Church of Christ
Holden, MA

In my childhood, Methodists baptized me, Brethrens welcomed my visits, and Southern Presbyterians raised and confirmed me. But while in seminary, I chose the United Church of Christ as my spiritual home. Barely out to myself in the late 1970s, I did not join the UCC primarily because of its lgbt welcome. I joined because the UCC felt spacious and refreshing to me in its particular way of combining Christ-centeredness, ecumenical commitment, and social justice. That my choice has enabled me to serve the Church in the context of a denomination whose General Synod and other bodies have been bellwethers in the struggles for affirmation of same-gender loving/lgbt persons has been an amazing grace.

For twenty years (1987-2007), my partner, Donna Enberg, and I had the privilege of serving as staff for the Open and Affirming Program (ONA) of the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns. That there are more than 650 ONA (publicly lgbt-welcoming) churches/settings in the UCC, and that Donna and I are legally married in MA, indicates that things are changing in church and society. For their wonderful company and dedicated work, I am deeply grateful lgbt-affirming UCC national and Conference staff persons, ONA supporters throughout our denomination, ecumenical Welcoming Church colleagues, and all who let their light shine in the service of justice and peace. Courage and joy as we follow the Spirit's lead!

Contribution Story

This stole was given in celebration of the United Church of Christ's 50th Anniversary, and for the refuge that the UCC has offered for so many GLBT clergy.

David Lohman
IWR and Faith Work Coordinator
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force's Institute for Welcoming Resources
Home of the Shower of Stoles Project

Click here to read Rev. Ann B. Day's biographic profile in the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network's Profile Gallery. 

Archival Record

Stole Number: 1096
Honoree(s): Rev. Ann B. Day
Donor(s): Rev. Ann B. Day
Geography: Holden, Massachusetts (USA)
Faith Tradition: United Church of Christ
Donation Date: 2007


“Rev. Ann B. Day,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 28, 2025,