Quaker Group on Homosexuality and Other Problems of Sex
Minutes of Meeting held April 23rd at the University Women's Club, London W.1.
Diuncan Fairn
Kenneth Barnes
Alastair Heron
Alfred Torrie
Keith Wedmore
Joyce James
Lotte Rosenberg
Apologies for Absence:
Kenneth Nicholson
Richard Fox
Mervyn Parry
1. Keith Wedmore reported on his correspondence with the Joseph Rountree Trust. We
have agreed with Keith Wedmore's reply to the Joseph Rountree Trust, and note with
pleasure the receipt of a grant for a further year.
2. Keith Wedmore reported on this receipt of a letter from Elizabeth and Arthur
Darlington. These Friends have expressed their appreciation of the Group's work and
emphasised the need for further work among Young Friends. The letter will be
circulated among members of the Group.
3. Keith Wedmore reported on the receipt of a letter from George Gorman's friend
whose comments we had discussed at previous meeting. Comments he made will be read in
the course of our further discussion of the draft.
4. The sections of the draft on Female Homosexuality, prepared by Lotte Rosenberg,
and on Homosexuality, prepared by Keith Wedmore, were discussed and further amended.
5. The date of the next meeting:--Friday, 19th May, 12:30 p.m., at the University
Women's Club, W.1.
Possible dates for the following meeting:
June 25th (A.H. would not be able to come)
and July 2nd (KN would not come but might manage the earlier date.