Towards a Quaker View of Sex

Meeting Minutes, 26 November 1961


The group started discussing options for publication, refined the Table of Contents and continued discussion of different sections.


Keith Wedmore Papers


The Quaker Group on Homosexuality and Other Problems of Sex

Minutes of Meeting held November 26th at the University Women's Club, London, W.1.

Richard Fox
Anna Bidder
Joyce James
Alastair Heron
Mervyn Parry
Keith Wedmore
Alfred Torrie
Lotte Rosenberg
Duncan Fairn

Apologies for Absence:
Kenneth Nicholson
Kenneth Barnes

1. Points arising from par. 6 of last meeting's minutes:--
to 6.d) Duncan Fairn reported abouut his discusson with George Gorman. It was

thought best for us to publish independently of the Home Service Committee.
to 6.e) We asked Keith Wedmore to make a preliminary approach to the publishers

Cedric Davies and Duckworth, showing the revised Table of Contents.
to 6.f) The names of Isobel Wilson and Russel W. Brain were mentioned as possible

writers of a preface.
to 6.g) Duncan Fairn, reported that the Home Service Committee would be able to hold

any funds in trust for this group, without curtailing our freedom of using them

according to our plans.

2. Alastair Heron read the Table of Contents prepared by him. In discussing them we

agreed that some chapters of the draft required enlargement. This would also serve to

enlarge the whole work from booklet size to a more marketable book-size.

3. Alfred Torrie was asked, together with Richard Fox, to enlarge the section on


4. In discussing the section "How Help Can be Given" we considered the possible

a) Elders, Overseers and others who want to help eople in need and are seeking

knowledge of facts.
b) People who may be stirred to think about the problems constructively.
c) People in need who are seeking advice and information, olrder as well as younger


5. The draft on Female Homosexuality was discussed and Richard Fox undertook to amend


6. The draft on "Towards a Quaker View of Sex", prepared by Duncan Fairn, was

discussed and amended. It was thought that parts of this chapter should be considered

together with that on "Constructive Thinking."

7. We agreed to discuss the drafting of the remaining parts of the revised Table of

Contents at our next meeting.

Table of Contents
1. Foreword
2. Introduction
a) Origins of the Inquiry
b) How the group came to be formed
c. Initial assumptions. Where did we start our thinking from.
d) Clear statement of our working objectives. What were we trying to do--
3. Normal sexual development
4. Homosexuality
a) Introduction
b) Ground clearance
c) Male Homosexuality
d) Female Homosexuality
5. Homosexuality and the Law
6. Homosexuality and Society
7. Heterosexuality
8. How help can be given

1. Origins of sexual behaviour
2. Some deviations considered
3. Selected reading list


Dates of next meetings:
Sunday, 10th December
Sunday, 28th January
Sunday, 1st April