Darwen Finlayson Limited
7 John Street
London, W.C.1
Lord Darwen
T. Barry Davies
A.G. Wilson
12th January 1962
Keith Wedmore, Esq.
Sheerwater Avenue
West Byfleet,
Dear Mr. Wedmore,
I have read your letter with great interest. Many of the contributors, or rather should I say, co-authors, of the book which you describe, are well know to me. It was I who put up the idea to Kenneth Barnes of writing HE AND SHE, which I published, and which we have re-printed three times, and recently sold the paperback rights to Penguins.
I also know Dr. Torrie and Alasdair Heron very well, and many of the other people you mention, are at any rate, known to me by name.
As you will see from the enclosed List, one of our specialties is the publication of sex education books, and thus the book on 'homosexuality' would seem very appropriate for our List.
I gather from your letter that all you want from me at this stage is an expression of my interest in the possibility of our publishing this book. I can say, without committing myself before I see the manuscript, that I am quite excited by the idea. Both within the trade and among the general public who are knowledgeable about these matters, I believe I would be considered a particularly suitable publisher. We have in fact, built up a very considerable reputation for the publication of first class books about sex.
Yours sincerely
Lord Darwen
12th February, 1962
Dear Mr. Wedmore,
You wrote to me on the 7th January about the possibility of my publishing a book which is being prepared "by a number of prominent Quakers" on homosexuality and other problems of sex.
I wrote telling you of my interest in this book on the 12th January and I am wondering whether it is your intention to send me the manuscript when it is ready.
I should be very glad to hear from you.
Yours sincerely,
Lord Darwen
handwritten note:
You will have 1st refusal