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  • Collection: The Historical Development of BIPOC Trans-spiritual Leadership

Rev. Valerie Spencer is a healer, behavioral health therapist, cultural visionary, national community leader, and interfaith minister. The Holistic Empowerment Institute is her concept. She has been at the forefront of addressing behavioral health…

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Trans Puerto Rican youth create their own space where they can be safe with each other.

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The video opens with a young trans person adorning herself in Thai spiritual attire. It suggests that imagining one's total acceptance, including the embrace of one's spiritual community becomes proof of one's humanity. Veering from the topic of…

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We exist in a world where we have multiple and sometimes contradictory identities within ourselves. How do you navigate who you are, when who you are is sometimes at odds with itself?

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Have western theologians, missionaries, clergy, and scholars distorted the view of African religions in ways that have seemed to diminish their value?

The activists say the law violates body autonomy by denying government recognition of a trans person unless they have been surgically altered and are registered with the government. All others must go unrecognized.
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