Discusses developments in Native American hunting and fishing rights. And describes the establishment of the https://www.narf.org/nill/documents/nlr/nlr5-1.pdf
If a runaway was killed, the public would owe the owner 4,000 pounds of tobacco. And if white person married a runaway or an Indian, they "shall within three months after such marriage be banished and removed from this dominion forever..."
Dr. Clayton Delery, a Louisiana native and professor at The Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, has recently written this essay comparing the response of New Orleans city and religious leaders to the Rault Center fire in November 1972…
Published in San Francisco Bay Area Gay & Lesbian Historical Society Newsletter, volume 1, number 2, December 1985. From research papers of James Waller.
Prepared for the Consultation on Theology and the Homosexual, sponsored by Glide Urban Center and The Council on Religion and the Homosexual in San Francisco, August 22-24, 1966.