The group affirmed their name; members reported on their activities; discussion about how best to get input from Young Friends; memo attached that Wedmore wrote in 1956--The Invert and Society.
Group reviewed discussion with Young Friends from previous meeting; set agenda of next meeting to review their progress; in afternoon heard presentations from headmasters about sex instruction and development of adolescents.
Group reviewed correspondence and discussion with headmasters from last meeting; Bidder provided observations about their "future programme"; extensive discussion of members' perception of sexual activity related to personality and the role of moral…
Group discussed invitations to join the group (Joyce James added); discussed what known and understood about homosexuality and when it might be creative; affirmed higher value of heterosexual partnerships and asked what value can be seen in…
Bidder announced 1960-61 sabbatical requiring another chair of group; discussed approach to Friends--not to present moral code or finding, but to enable dialogue and learning; continued discussion of value of homosexuality in society and comparison…
Group agreed to subsidize travel costs of participants as needed; continued to try to develop link with the Meeting for Sufferings; spent considerable time identifying key points of a statement they could issue; affirmed importance of this group…
Group discusses next steps with Stephen Thorne and Doris Eddington from Society of Friends; affirmed that what they have learned goes beyond Young Friends and perhaps even the Society; takes first step to draft a statement of concern to publish.
Wedmore's copy of the October 1960 roster of the group with his markings of later changes in contact information. "QCB" was Wedmore's facetious name for the group: "Quaker Committee on Buggery."
Notes by A.M.B. 29 April 1959; likely written in response to request for each person to write a note on her/his personal perspective on society's sexual code. See Meeting Minutes 1 March 1959.