Mary Z. Longstreth Longknight

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Mary Z. Longstreth Longknight


Mary Z. Longstreth Longknight




Indiana (USA)

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Mary Z. Longstreth Longknight

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Mary Z. Longstreth Longknight

United Methodist


Born into a Missouri Methodist pastor’s family, I’ve served God through vocational Social Work settings outside of congregations, with diverse human populations.

As a Deaconess and Diaconal Minister, in professional lay ministries commissioned by the Board of Global Ministries, and Conference Consecrated, I’ve served under United Methodist Church episcopal appointments nationwide. During 40+ active mission service years I could have faced ministry denial or church trial had I not been a closeted lesbian.

UMC, forsake your spiritually abusive practices and polity!

During the 2011 Indiana Conference session, I retired with my Covenanted life-mate of 27 years and state-married spouse (2009) by my side. We continue sharing in Love, Justice, and Service ministries.

Retirement liberated me to fully exit a closeted identity in the institutional church. This 2013 stole updates one anonymously placed in the Shower of Stoles Project. Thanks be to God!

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United Methodist Church