Ann Davis

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Ann Davis


Northside Presbyterian Church




Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA)

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Ann Davis
Catherine Mahaday

Stole Text

Elder Ann Davis
Member Catherine Mahaday

Married in a Service of Holy Union

September 30, 1995

Northside Presbyterian Church
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Contribution Date


Contribution Story

The debate around marriage equality has been as contentious in the Presbyterian denomination as it has every other church.  Through several pieces of legislation, the General Assembly has offered a split decision, adamantly defending a pastor's right to pray over whomever they will -- thus allowing for the blessing of a commitment service -- while outlawing any attempt to equate a commitment service to a "wedding" or referring to it as a "marriage."  Nevertheless, Ann Davis' identification as an Elder here makes a bold statement.  Ordination of "self-avowed, practicing homosexuals" is banned in the PC(USA); one can be ordained if one vows to remain celibate.

The current complexity of Presbyterian law, and the conundrums raised by subsequent court decisions, has left governing bodies in a patently ridiculous place: A pastor can bless a couple's commitment to each other, but a governing body cannot infer sexual contact from that blessing.  If, then, someone would wish to challenge Ann's ordination, they would have to come right out and ask, "Do you, or don't you?"

It is my fervent prayer that someday the Presbyterian Church -- and all other denominations -- will be far more interested in our faith and our service to God than they are in the minute details of our private lives.

Martha Juillerat
Founder, Shower of Stoles Project


Presbyterian Church (USA)
