Minutes of Organizing Meeting on July 7, 1964

Organizing Meeting minutes 7-7-64.pdf

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Minutes of Organizing Meeting on July 7, 1964


Donald S. Lucas Papers.


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Meeting July 7, 1964
Council on Religion and the Homosexual
Next Meeting: July 22nd. (details below)

Discussion was held on the choice of name for this group. It was felt that the group should have a permanent name other than the Continuing Committee For The Consultation On The Church and The Homosexual.
The name which was finally chosen, after many various suggestions, was "Council on Religion and the Homosexual."
Since there were only two or three new Clergymen attending, it was felt that there would be no need to go into any type of orientation at this meeting. It was hoped that more of the Clergy would be able to attend the next meeting, at which time some orientation could be presented. It was also felt that rather than have such a large group (23 were in attendance) work on developing the goals for the Council, that a committee should be appointed to develop suggested aims and goals and bring them before the entire group at the next and future meetings.
Committee on Goals & Purposes: Phyllis Lyon (chairman), Lewis Durham, Bill Plath, Herb Donaldson, Bill Billings.
It was also suggested that a committee be set up to study and make recommendations on an orientation program for the Clergy. This committee was appointed as follows: Rev. Bill Anderson (chairman), Rev. Bill Black, Guy Strait, Del Martin, (Rev. Elmer Laursen)
The problem of finances was discussed. However, it was felt that this matter should be discussed at length after the Council has established its goals, and has determined a budget that will be necessary to carry out these goals and projects. The only immediate need for finances being in preparing and mailing of notices of meetings, etc. This could be taken care of with small donations by those present. A collection of $8.74 was taken up.
However, it was determined that since the Glide Foundation already has an account established for the Consultation (June 1 & 2), that this account could be used as a repository for donations for the Council. It was also felt that solicitation of funds for the Council should be made whenever feasible and possible. Following are the instructions to be given to anyone desiring to make a contribution to this project.
Make check, M.O., etc. payable to "Glide Foundation." Be sure to note either on check or in cover letter that the contribution is for "The Council on Religion and the Homosexual." Address all such mail to: Rev. Mr. Lewis Durham, Glide Foundation, 330 Ellis Street, S.F., Calif., 94102
The next meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday evening July 22nd, at the home of Mr. Bill Plath, 814 Grove Street, S.F. at 8:00pm. We hope to see as many of you present as can make it.
Donald S. Lucas (co-chairman)
DO 2-3799


“Minutes of Organizing Meeting on July 7, 1964”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/crh/item/1755.