CRH Dance Promoted in Citizens News

CN IV 4 cover page 1-2.pdf

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CRH Dance Promoted in Citizens News


Citizen News, vol, 4, no. 4, page 1; published by Strait and Associates.


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Page 1:
What is Smut?
Citizens News
America's Leading Homosexual Publication Vol 4 #4

Mardi Gras in Jan.
The Council on Religion and the Homosexual (CRH) has announced plans for a dance to be given on January 1st, 1965.
The CRH is an organization of the various homophile organizations and ministers of various denominations in San Francisco. The CRH has had a number of open meetings here starting with a three day meeting at the White Memorial Retreat in Marin County.
One of the primary objects of the CRH is to promote a continuing dialogue between the churches and the homosexual. This is being accomplished most effectively thru the association of the ministers with various problems of the Community.
The New Year's Mardi Gras Ball will be held at California Hall, 625 Polk Street, San Francisco, starting at 9pm. Naturally no minors will be admitted due to the serving of alcoholic beverages.
No tickets will be sold at the door and only 1500 tickets are available at $5 per ticket. The tickets are available thru the various bars associated with the Tavern Guild, from members of The Coits, The Daughters of Bilitis, The Mattachine Society, Society for Individual Rights, and from Strait and Associates. All of the above organizations are cooperating in this effort to raise funds for the CRH and the various homophile organizations.
Persons ordering tickets by mail from Strait and Ass. should make checks payable to either Guy Strait or the CRH.
The orchestra for the affair will be the same as has previous played for the big dances given at this location.
Some confusion has been shown regarding the date of this soiree. It is on New Year's Day at 9pm, and not on New Year's Eve.
Plans for costume for the affair have the flavors of a real New Orleans type evening. (continued on page 2)

Page 2:
Mardi Gras
The ministers involved in the CRH are of a new breed, and have earned the respect of the homophile community in no uncertain terms. They have started investigations into the persecution of the homosexual by the local police departments and the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control; They have been into the various establishments in San Francisco and have found out the truth for themselves; They have found a growing need for down-to-earth conversation with the community.
This affair marks the beginning of the open relationship between the church and the homosexual.
Again, tickets are limited to 1500 and no tickets are to be available at the door under any circumstances, so get your order in the mail to any of the organizations listed or to Strait and Associates or drop by any of the places where the tickets are now on sale.


“CRH Dance Promoted in Citizens News”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025,