CRH Dance Promoted in Next Issue of Citizen News
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CRH Dance Promoted in Next Issue of Citizen News
Citizen News, vol, 4, no. 5, page 1; published by Strait and Associates.
Repository: GLBT Historical Society
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Page 1:
Gay Bar?
Citizens News
Volume IV Number 5
New Years Ball
The New Year's Day Mardi Gras Ball sponsored by the Council on Religion and the Homosexual is foremost in the social scene in San Francisco. There is to be a multitude of smaller affairs on the 31st, these to usher in the New Year and the one on the 1st to get the New Year off to a roaring start.
The costume ball is being held at the California Hall, 625 Polk. About 1500 persons are expect to participate in this soiree.
Costumes of all types are expected to be seen. Some persons who have not appeared publicly before in this dress are expected to be in the parade.
Tickets are for sale in many of the bars of San Francisco, plus many of the organizations. The donation for the affair is $5.00. This is a private affair and to keep it this way no tickets are to be available at the door or on the day of the ball.
The various organizations, including Strait and Associates have tickets available and will have them thru the 31st of December, but since the fire department has put a 1500 person limit on this dance hall there will not be any more than 1500 tickets sold. Those planning to attend must get their tickets early.
Many will be disappointed to find that the "no tickee, no dancee' is a hard and fast rule with this affair.
Page 2:
New Years Mardi Gras Ball
January 1st
California Hall, 625 Polk Street, San Francisco
No Minors - Donation $5.00
Tickets available from Strait and Associates - No ticket sales at door or day of ball.
Sponsored by the Council on Religion & the Homosexual
Gay Bar?
Citizens News
Volume IV Number 5
New Years Ball
The New Year's Day Mardi Gras Ball sponsored by the Council on Religion and the Homosexual is foremost in the social scene in San Francisco. There is to be a multitude of smaller affairs on the 31st, these to usher in the New Year and the one on the 1st to get the New Year off to a roaring start.
The costume ball is being held at the California Hall, 625 Polk. About 1500 persons are expect to participate in this soiree.
Costumes of all types are expected to be seen. Some persons who have not appeared publicly before in this dress are expected to be in the parade.
Tickets are for sale in many of the bars of San Francisco, plus many of the organizations. The donation for the affair is $5.00. This is a private affair and to keep it this way no tickets are to be available at the door or on the day of the ball.
The various organizations, including Strait and Associates have tickets available and will have them thru the 31st of December, but since the fire department has put a 1500 person limit on this dance hall there will not be any more than 1500 tickets sold. Those planning to attend must get their tickets early.
Many will be disappointed to find that the "no tickee, no dancee' is a hard and fast rule with this affair.
Page 2:
New Years Mardi Gras Ball
January 1st
California Hall, 625 Polk Street, San Francisco
No Minors - Donation $5.00
Tickets available from Strait and Associates - No ticket sales at door or day of ball.
Sponsored by the Council on Religion & the Homosexual
“CRH Dance Promoted in Next Issue of Citizen News”, The Council on Religion and the Homosexual, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025,