Second Stone #4 - May/June 1989


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Second Stone #4 - May/June 1989

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May/June 1989


Three New r.nnw1ter
"Bulletin Boartts;r-
On Une
• ., ..
MCC Pastors Appear On
CBN's "Straight Talk"
By Jim Bailey
Two Metropolitan Community
Church pastors
recently appeared on the
Christian Broadcasting
Network Family Channel's
"Straight Talk", a one hour
program hosted by Scott
Ross that deals with social
and religious issues. Rev.
Gail Van Buren of MCC of
Northern Virgina, Falls
Church, Virginia, and Rev.
Harry Stock of MCC,
Washington, D.C. ap peared
on the show along
with Bob Larson, the
fundamentalist host of a
daily two hour radio talk
show geared toward confrontation,
and Joanne
Highley, an ex-gay woman
who, along with her
husband of 32 years, runs an
ex-gay ministry.
Theological argument
between the MCC pastors
and the other panelists,
considering the wide
difference in position, was
restrained and there was
even one point of almost
exuberant agreement when
the discussion turned to the
way Gays have been
"swept under the rug" by
Where To Spend Your
Summer Vacation
6000 Readers Across The USA
many churches and made to
feel like they could never
have a relationship with
"It's the biggest sin that
we can talk about today,"
said Van Buren to audience
The decidedly
mainstream fundamentalist
audience challenged Van
Buren and Stock with
oftentimes sincere and well
thought questions. Studio
participants were calmly
inquisitive and seemed to
have an open ear if not, in
most cases, an open mind.
"The Bible speaks against
fornication for both heterosexuals
and homo-
Integrity Convention
UFMCC Conference
Gay Episcopalians Host Good-bye Service for Rights Advocate
Farewell to Bishop Moore
NEW YORK - Lesbian and
Gay New Yorkers gathered
at the Church of St. Luke in
the Fields during the lasr
week of April to say good bye
to Bishop Paul Moore, who
will soon retir e as Episcopal
bishop of New York.
"Every gay person is this
city is in his debt," said Nick
Dowen, the former Integrity/
NY president who recalls
introducing Moore in 1986 at a
packed Gay Pride Service in
· rtte Cathedral · of St. John the
Divine. "It was shortly after
the passage of the gay rights
bill," says Dowen. "He had
fought so hard for us. Every
person in the cathedral
wanted to thank him - and
we did. That vast space rang
with applause and the tears
of gratitude practically
flooded the place."
Bishop Moore's courageous
advocacy of rights for
Lesbians and gay men is
leg endary. · "No religious
leader has done more to
promote justice for Lesbians
and gay men than Paul
Moore,"says Dowen.
In 1977, Moore ordained the
Rev. · Ellen Barrett to the
priesthood. This was the
first time on openly gay
,.person had . ever been
Gay Mormons Concerned With
Rise In Hate Groups
TEMPE, Az. - National
leaders of "Affirmation Gay
and Lesbian Mormons" met in
Tempe in late February to
discuss what they can do to
combat !he alarming rise in
hate crimes. Violence
against Gays, Jews and
Blacks has been on a steady
increase. Affirmation is a
support group for Gay
Mormons, their family
members, and friends. Since
it was established in 1977, its
membership has grown
throughout the United
States, Canada and Europe.
Mel Barber, the Affirmation
National Coordinator, states
however that "most Mormons
still don't know that Affirmation
is a resource that is
available to them . ."
Group leaders also planned
their upcoming General Conference
to be held in Reno,
Nevada this fall. One reason
that Reno was chosen as the
site of the 1989 conference
was because the large
Mormon commu nity there has.
been particularly active in
anti-gay causes, Last year,
. anti~gay groups in Reno
successfully blocked the
National Gay Rodeo ° Finals
that had been ·scheduled to
take place there. They also
tried to block the annual gay
pride festivities. When that
. effort failed, anti-gay demonstrations
were organized
instead .
For more information about
Affirmation Gay and Lesbian
Mormons write to P .. 0. Box
46022, Los Angeles, CA 90046
or call (213)255-7251. Parents
of gay Mormons contact: Jan
Cameron (HELP) 9200
Alcosta Blvd., #H-3, San
Ramon, CA 94583.
Commentary C
Gay Pride Is Not Presumptuous
By Toe L. not based on reality. · But this
is usually said by people who
fear, to reveal themselves in.
any way, who would · rather ·
keep the gay thing quiet, and
from Communication
. Some say that gay pride is
frivolous, presumptuous, and
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who resent those who have (bedpeople?)!
"come out", ·and especially There are substantial
those who show pride . 0 These · reasoris why we Christians
nay-sayers are so unhappy ·in and : Catholics should, if . we
their closet that they can't can muster up the courage,
stand seeing anybody .else mar£h ·with our lesbian
happy about being gay. As for · sisters . and . gay hrothers . To
marching in the streets and . those of us, who regularly take
'flaunting' · their.identity, t.hey part; no ·. exhortation is
would never think of doing necessary: we know , how
that. ·exhifarating . and , .upbuildipg
At the same time, many of su~h public demonstration is.
our gay brothers and sisters · To those ·w:ho up to now _have
have good reasons for not · stood on . the sidelines and
making - any public whose hearts beat faster as
demonstration of they watch their . sisters and
orientation. None of us can brothers go by; and who send
.ever decide for anybody else their invisible love out to the
what posture to take in this marchers , we say: "Come and
n,atter; we each make up our join us!"
own mind. Is not our ·cause God's
But to point the finger at gay cause? Are we . not defending
demonstrators and to say that the dignity of God's creation?
they are causing trouble is - Are we not saying, "Lord, you
another matter . Such have not made a mistake! We
accusations often come from magnify your holy _will! W<c
those clerics and religious homosexuals give glory to
who have unfortunately you!'? And do-we :riot have -a
internalized the hatred and special mission io the world
prejudice of society and of around us? Are not we a part
some parts of the Church. of that vast multitude of the
They hate themselves and 'poor' who have a right to
can't see how anyone can be speak about . th_eir plight and
happy about something who claim a voice in the
which can cause them pain. conduct of the Church and
Our sexuality is good_. We
can; we must, ' hold serious
reserva tioris about sexual
exploitation, disease, sexual
violenc~ ;•. · "Unwanted
· pregnancy, and .respect for life.
i:>.ut in .itself, as God's .qeation,
oμr sexuaHty is good : In itself,
gay and lesbian sexuaJity is
good. _. Part of our mission . in
life is . tp speak the truth in the
open, out on the streets and
in the ·sunlight.
Therefore, we religious . and
clerics are called to reverse
the often negative, ac1:using
·voice of the ' upper Church.
Marching in the streets, we of
the lower Church say to the
upper Church; "We gay and
lesbian Catholics are an
important part of Christ's
constituency. We are real ·
flesh and blood . We will not
go away, and we .shall not be
quiet. Try to_ understand us.
Speak to our _ real needs. ·Be
the Good Shepherd to us."
Gay pride is not.
presumptious . It is proper. It
is holy . As for style, choose
your own. That is the only
one your are fully responsible
Identity with openly sexual r----------~~-------------(
and attractive) men and □
women is impossible. They
, do not want to look at this
mirror of themselves - it is
too much to acknowledge. To
these clerics and religious
who say, "We are not like
th em," we offer our ministry
of patience and
· understanding . Eventually,
some sense of identity with gay people will be part
of the healing they need.
Objections to gay parades
and marches are often about
style and individual tast e,
about which we can differ
widely. We don't all prance
down th e street in scanty
cloth es or feathers. This is
where tolerance and
understanding come in. Most
of all, in any movement
which involves political
consequences and which
attracts a wide diversity of
causes, we cannot always
choose the style of those who
march with us. We should
.let them be wh o they are and
try to · appreciate their
impulse, whether we agree ·
with them or not, as long as
they contribute to the public
statement which our
minority community is
making . We cannot alwa ys
choose our bedfellows
Page 10
.Page 11
Page8 _
Page 11
HRCF Bulletin
Board Available
The Human Rights
Campaign Fund has
established a free · bulletin
board for computers owners.
Contact Sheryl Harris at
(202)628-4160, HRCF, 1012
14th St., NW # 607,
Washington, D.C. 20005.
Offers Gay
Owners of · personal
computers with modems can
access a wealth of Gay i
Lesbian information through
CompuServe's Human Sexuality
Forum . CompuServe is
. the nation's largest computer
bulletin board service. Ca 1.I
1-800-848-8199 for membership
information .
Vatican Plans
Archbishop Fiorenzo .
Angelini has announced a
is pubiished every other
month by Bailey Communications,
P. 0. Box 8340, New Orleans. LA
70182. Copyright 1989 by The
Second Stone, a registered trademark.
per year, six issues. Foreign subscribers
add $8.00 for postage. All
payments U.S. currency only.
ADVERTISING, contact Eric
Martin, The Second Stone, P. 0.
Box 8340, New Orteans, LA
70182. Basic one time display rate
is $6.30 per SAU column inch.
Classified advertising is 35 cents
per word.
EDITORIAL, send letters, calendar
announcements, and church/organization
news to (Department tiUe)
The Second Stone, P. 0. Box
8340, New Orleans, LA70182.
Manuscripts to be returned should.
be accompanied by a stamped, self
addressed envelope. Mark
manuscripts submitted on speculation
either "Ministry" or "For con·
sideralion al your usual rates."
ecumenical newspaper committed
to expanding Christian ministry in
the gay community and to the
spiritual growth and development
of gay persons, their families and
EDITOR: Robert McKnight
major conference on AIDS to
be sponsored by the Vatican.
The two week meeting · is
planned for November, 1989.
BBS On Line
An electronic bulletin board
dealing with religion and
homosexuality has been
established. It is operational
every day from 11:00 p.m. -
3:00 a,m., · Eastern time.
Parameters are 8/N/1. It can
be accessed at 300/1200/2400
baud. . The data number is
(305)472-0843 .
Photos Sought
For Book ·
Ginny Vida, Editor of Our
Right To Love: A Lesbian .
Resource Book. is inviting
Lesbian photographers to
submit photos depicting aH
aspects of · Lesbian life for
possible inclusion in the
revised edition of Our Right
To Love. to be published by
E.P , .. Dutton. Photos ·are due
Eugene, Oregon
The Need Fo.r A
Dear Second Stone,
You all are doing a
wonderful job with the
publication of The Second
Stone. I was especially
impressed with the very
quick and positive response
you gave to Naomi of
Christi~n Outreach, in
regards to her letter calling
for "Inclusiveness a Priority."
Your positive and speedy
response says more about your
attitude of "Inclusivity" than
you can imagine . Several
other publications would
have filed that letter in the
perverbial wastebasket. You
truly responded b.y
headlining the Barbara
Harris story, including
Naomi's letter with the issue
in bold print and providing us
all with an update on . the
Kowalski & Thompson saga.
May 15, 1989.
For information write to
Ginny Vida, Editor, 0 u r
Right To Love. 45 Plaza St.,
#1-G, Brooklyn ; NY 11217 or
call (718)789-0391.
While other chapters of
Dignity across the nation
have been evicted from
church property, Dignity/
Dayton continues to hold
mass in a Catholic church as
a result of a letter it . sent to
Archbishop Daniel E.
Pilarczyk stating that the
group "accepts church
teaching" that Gays . and ·
Lesbians are intrinsically
disordered. The group is now
reconsidering its position.
-Baltimore Alternative
Cenacle Sisters
Boot Dignity
After ten years of holding
its ',1mnual retreat at the
Cenacle Retreat House,
Dignity/Chicago has now
been denied use of the
building by the Cenacle
Sisters. The Sisters had been
seen as pro-gay in the past
but now appear . to be yielding
to Ch icago Cai:~inal Joseph
□ Bernardin. Dignity/ Chicago
is also troubled by internal
disagreement over how to
handle . church attacks on the
-Chicago Outlines
You Are Not Alone!
Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship International Inc ., a support
group of self-affinning Gays and Lesbians with Adventist
background, is here to provide the fellow~p ; understanding
and support that you seek .
For infoimatiori.write: SDA Kinship International Inc.
P. 0. E)ox 3840 Los ~les. CA 90078·3840
In the Eastern U.S. call: {617)436-5950
In the Western U.S. or international can: (213)876·2076
□ • . ! '
Thank you, thank you, thank
And thank you also for not
swinging to the opposite
extreme. I am a Christian
Lesbian Pastor of the MCC
Church in Eugene, Oregon and
need a balanced journal,
keeping Ine up to date on
what is happening in the
Gay /Lesbian Christian
world. I applaud your
remarkable efforts and wish
you the best of success in the
God bless each of you as you
continue to be all that God
called you to be!
Celebrate Christ,
Rev. Marguerite Scroggie
We welcome you to share
your views, opinions,
feelings and experiences with
our readers. Send letters to:
LETTERS, The Second Stone,
P. 0. Box 8340, New Orleans,
LA 70182, All letters must be
original and signed by th.e
writer. Clearly indicate if
your name is to be withheld.
We .reserve the right to edil
May/June 1989
for the
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Videos C
"Casting Out Fear" Upbeat and Poignant
The "Reconciling
Congregations Program" is a
movement within mains
stream denomination
churches to publicly welcome
Gay men and Lesbians into
their congregations. "Casting
Out Fear" is an upbeat, well
executed video that shifts
the burden of explaining from
the "reconciling" to . the
"non-reconciling" congregations:
Why isn't every
congregation reconciling?
'We deny the r; ality of a
diverse creation," says Rev.
Emilie Townes, who appears
in the video. "We stop short
of welcoming all into God's
realm. We try to define for
God who is to be blessed and
Who is to be condemned," she
The video poignantly tells
stories from United Methodist
congregations who have
extended their ministry to
· Gay men and Lesbians. These
stories portray the pain and
estrangement Lesbians and
Gay men feel in the church
and the hope of reconciliation
found in those
congregations who are
willing to struggle with
homophobia and move
toward a loving acceptance.
The video was made at the
national convocation of
ReconciHng Congregations in
Bruce Roller Video Available
The Reverend Bruce Roller;
pastor of Recondlia tion
Metropolitan C.;>mmunity
Church in Grand Rapids,
Michigan, . has announced the
release of a professionally
produced video-tape entitled
"I Am With You: Fear Not!"
The video tape and
accompanying workbook is
available by mail from
Faithful Publications, P. 0.
Box 3701, Grand Rapids, MI
49501. The cost is $24.95 for
the video tape and $5.00 for
the workbook.
I am with You
F·ear -{'N ot!
(A Corrective Look
.at the Lesbian and Gay
Clobber Passages)
Professionally produced Video-tape
Audio-tape & Workbook
A new book by· the Rev, Bnu:e Roller
Pastor of Reconciliation MCC
Grand Rapids, Ml
. ~ cf} /'tJ w°Jz[/1 THE MESSAGE oF
VHS Video (90 min.l $24.95
Audb r&pe $5.00 • wa1<book $5.00
Loving OJrseMtS $6.95
A~ 25% fa shipping & harding .
Faithful Publicatiqns
P.O. Box 3701
Grand Rapids, Ml 49501
March 1987 and released last _
year by Affirmation: . United
Methodists for Lesbian/Gay
Concerns. It is available
(purchase price, $100.00, 30
day ren ·tal, $20.00) from
. Reconciling Congregations
Program, P. 0. Box 24213,
Nashville, TN 37202.
Book Provides Wide Spectrum of Thought
By Robert McKnight
Associate Editor
One of the hardest parts of
arguing the ethics of being
gay - and these are certainly
arguments to be encouraged -
is knowing exactly what's
being argued. Whenever the
subject is complicated, the
history of the argument is
long and when, especially
this, the emotions are
profound, then a clear
understanding of the opponent
becomes critical .
Homosexuality and Ethics
(Pilgrim Press, 261 pp., $8.95)
is. an anthology drawn from
writings of prominent
theologians and ethicists in
the Judeo-Christian ti;a-
AIDS Issues
le Chalenge
dition. Editor Edward
Batchelor Jr. has organized
the selections under four
headings, which mark points
on the continuum of responses
to gay people.
Batchelor's first school
designates homosexual acts
-as intrinsically evil. He
divides it into two subgroups -
one which depends on ·
biblical or so-called "natural
law" .arguments (Aquinas
from the Summa is
excerpted), and a second
"nee-traditionalist" school
which condemns homosexuals
for an almost inevitably
non-loving, non-Christian
lifestyle .
"The odds are still high
that the average individual
Edited by
edited by DAVID G. HALLMAN
Coordinator of the October 1987 Consultation on Ethics and Theology related to AIDS
Deeply practical issues are confronted in this provocative reading in ethics and
theology. The chapters are. drawn from the historic ecumenical consultation on AIDS
. which included theologians, social ethicists, persons with AIDS, health care professionals,
community service representatives and church denominational members. The
contributors argue for the churches to take progressive steps and assist the reader to
confront the challenge of AIDS· with intelligence anci"compassion.
"This book is extremely useful in helping people to identify and become involved."
- DR. JONATHAN MANN, Director, Global Program on AIDS, World Health Organization
pbk, $12.95
Also available:
UIS: PIPIIIII Sllrln II Pastll'II Pal'Qlellvll
Earl E. Shelp, Ronald H. Sunderland .
and Peter WA Mansell, M.D. • At bookstores or directly from
pbk, $7.95 .Th p·1 . p
• e 1 grun ress
& 132 West 31st Street, New York, NY 10001
who chooses homosexual
behavior will be choosing a
sick, immature way of life,"
writes neo-traditionalist
John Giles Milhaven (p.69) .
A second school, which
includes Catholic theologian
Charles Curran, notable for
his limited opposition to the
Vatican; grants some goodness
to homosexual acts but
reserves the judgment that
they are essentially imperfect.
According to Curran, the
homosexual does not generally
choose - in itself, an
improvement over the onus of
sin Milhaven drops ..
But inasmuch as homosexual
unions can never be ideal
(straight ones are), Curran
says homosexual unions well
illustrate what he calls the
theory of compromise. .. '
"In this situation, which
reflects the ·human sinfulness
in which all participate in
differing ways, the
individual homosexual may
morally come to the
conclusion that ·a somewhat
permanent homosexual union
is best, and sometimes the
only, way for him to achieve
some humanity," (p. 94).
The third school argues
that homosexual acts may be
good or bad, depending on the
relationship of which they
are a part.
The last school, which
tends to de-emphasize tela.
tionships and focus on acts as
the anti-gay traditionalists
do, contends that homosexual
acts are natural and good.
The book's value is in
making available this
spectrum to thought on gay
ethics. Gay people need to
argue their side, but to do
that effectively, they need to
know their opponents. And if
they learn some of the
pro-gay arguments which
this book puts in their hands,
then they'll be better
prepared to make a serious
intellectulll challenge.
Cover Story
MOORE, From Page 1
ordained to the Episcopal
Church. Moore's courageous
act earned him the threat of
an ecclesiastical · trial on
heresy charges, charges
which were eventually
dropped. · _.
He testified year after yea, ·
in favor of enacting a: g~y
rights statute in New York"
City and publicly went
toe-to-toe with New York's
fundamentalist Cardi nal
John O'Connor. When ·
O'Conner called ' a press
conference on the steps of St.
Patrick's Cathedral to urge
rejection of the gay rights bill
by the City Council, Moore
was on the front steps of his
own cathedral the next · day,
urging passage of the bill to
television reporters.
Moore's message to the gay
community has been basically
a message of encouragement
and hope . ln 1985, he
established the AIDS
Memorial in the Cathedral
of St. John the Divine. There
the names of more than 3000
persons lost to AIDS ·are
inscribed . The Aids
Memorial has become an
important (and for many ,
even a sacred) place of
remembrance for the gay
-Second Stone
Begins Second Year
"A Common Bond" Unites
Ex-Jehovah's Witnesses
With this issue, The Second
Stone successfully completes
its start-up period and first
year of publication. Six
issues have been published;
two m;wsletters and four
issues in the present format.
Renewal notices for. expiring
subscriptions are enclosed
with this issue. The
. newsletter issues were fully
billable against subscriptions.
A national support network
based in Pittsburgh has been
established to benefit former
Jehovah's Witnesses who are
· gay or lesbian.
Known as "A Common Bond"
the group seeks to unite in a
spirit of healing Gay
ex-Jehovah's Witnesses ·suffering
-the stigma of being
excommunicated from the
faith because of their sexual
Unlike some denominations
, who condemn homosexuality
but reluctantly welcome the
homosexual, Jehovah's
Witnesses tolerate neither .
"A Common Bond" does not
subscribe to any particular
belief system. former
witnesses remain sympathetic
to the Watchtower
' s teachings while
others have joined different
churches or remained neutral.
. Is This Your
Last Issue?
Renew NOW if the expiration date on
your address label is 6/89
A free newsletter is issued
periodically with a contact ·
list for those wishing to
correspond. To receive the
newsletter or request furthur
information write to "A
Common Bond", P. 0. Box 405,
Ellwood City, PA 16117.
Manuscripts Sought
for New Anthology
Malcolm Boyd and Nancy
Wilson are co-editing a new
Gay /Lesbian theological anthology
tentatively entitled
Toward a Lesbian/Gay The-
Boyd and Wilson are
soliciting manuscripts from
the never-before published
"new voices" in the
Gay /Lesbian theological
movement. They welcome _
only openly Lesbian or Gay
writers, and especially want
to encourage students and
seminarians, - feminists,
African _ American, Latinos/
Latinas , Asian and Pacific
Islanders, . Native persons,
persons with AIDS/ ARC and
all Gay and Lesbian voices
"from below"!
The manuscripts (essays ,
excerpts from dissertations,
even poetry) must be no longer
than 20 pages, typed and
double-spaced. If the article
is written in other than
English, please provide an
English translation: Send
copies only; ma rtuscripts will
not be returned .
The dealine is July 15, 1989 .
Send all materials (or
inquiries) to Nancy L.
Wilson, 5879 Washington
Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232.
May/June 1989
"We're going to miss him," ·
says Integrity National
President and New York
chapter member Kim Byham,

"but, fortunately, he's going
to retire to Greenwich
Village, so I expect we'll see
him and hear from . him
BENT RECORDS is bubbling over with gay pride about
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Ale you moving? Please notify us four weeks in advance for uninterrupted
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your mailing label in this space. OLD AD.DRESS OR LABEL:
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Maine coast, 4 1 /2 hours from
Provincetown, 3 hours from
Built 200 years ago as a
farm house, the facilities
have been operated as an inn
for 90 years. Innkeepers
Grace and Judi bought the inn
in May, 1983, and did a total
renovation. The setting is
beautiful, peaceful and
private . The inri is located
1 /2 mile off of the highway
on a private road in the
middle of 101 sc~nic acres. A
large swimming pool with
sundeck and 15 miles of
:MONTREAL: ,, .. .. ..
.. .. ,,
.. ..
.. .. .. ..
.,, ..
.. ..
.,, ..
.. ..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
.. .. ..
.. ..
.. ,, .. .. ..
.. .. .. ..
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.. ... . . . .., .., ..,
.. Guest House .. .. .. .. .., • • • .., 'f' .., ..
,. A cltanning ,. ,. ,.
european guest house, • . •
downtown in tlie heart of •1ri1ni1N,oioNA~- o•v · T~vH · ... s;oc 1Ar10~ ..,
the gay village, placing you wit11i11
walking distance to shops, galleries'
and gay night life. ComplimentanJ
breakfast, sunny oprn 11ir terrace. -.
.. .. ..
.,, .. ,, .. ,, .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .,, .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
.. Downtown .. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. ..
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
[514] 521-2238 .,, .. .. .. .. .,, .. .. Ask for brochure & ,, .. mm .. .,, .,, .. .. .. ,,
1567 rue Saint-Andre Montreal .,,
.. .. .. ,H2L 3T5, .. .. .. ,.
hiking/cross country ski
trails are found on the inn
Inside the inn visitors will
find gracious guest rooms and
spacious common areas. All
rooms are individually
decorated with antiques and
comfortable furniture and
most have private baths.
Common areas include a
large, fireplaced living room,
library, enormous •dining room
with piano and VCR/
entertainment area and an
enclosed wicker filled
sunporch . The indoor hot
tub/whirlpool spa is perfect
after a day of hiking or
skiing. The atmosphere of
tl:te inn is warm, friendly and
Contact Highlands Inn, P.
0. Box 118, Bethlehem, NH
03574, (603) 869-3978.
••••••••••• •••••••••••••••
South Padre Island Texas' Best Secret
Unwind in the Sun at Lyle's Deck
The friendly folks at Lyle's
Deck are committed to
making a visitor's getaway
just perfect. Situated on the
Gulf of Mexico on South Padre
Island, Texas, this fabulous
guesthouse features fourteen
comfortable guest rooms with
private baths . The
guesthouse is located near
interesting shops, art galleries,
and gourmet
restaurants. Activities include
swimming (in the
beautiful private pool or the
clear blue waters of the Gulf),
surfing, sailing, fishing and
shopping ih the Markets ol
nearby Matamoros, Mexico~
Contact Lyle's Deck, P . 0.
Box 2326, So. Padre Island _
TX 78597, (512)761-5953.
................ •.• ...... .
Ashland, Oregon Wilderness Bed & Breakfast
Willow-Witt Ranch Country Guest House
Nestled in a valley high in
the Cascades, Willow-Witt
Ranch has 440 acres of lush
meadows, majestic trees and
abundant wildlife, and is
located just 20 minutes from
downtown Ashland . Surrounded
by thous.i.nds of acres
of public forest, the ranch
offers unlimited opportunities
for hiking, horseback
riding and cross-country
skiing. The ranch was
established in the 1920s as a
small dairy farm and the
weathered barn and milking
shed still stand beneath a
stately Ponderosa pine near
the house. Suzanne Willow
and Lanita Witt have
lovingly refurbished - and
expanded the original
farmhouse to include a
spacious, ·sun-filled guest
suite with private entry and
bath arid two double beds, one .
comfortably tucked in a loft.
The guest suite and its cozy .
loft a·nd deck look out over an
expanse of meadows, filled
with wildflowers from late
spring to midsummer. Down
comforters, kerosen ·e lamps
and a wood stove combine to
create a restful atmosphere ,
allowing guests to delight ir
the natural world, unencumbered
by power lines 01
traffic noise. Wake to the
sound of birds singing and the
aroma of freshly ground
coffee, then savor _ a leisure!)
full breakfast served in thE
comfort of your room or on thE
east ·deck. A wood-heated
hot tub is available upon
Contact Willow-Witt
Ranch, 658 Shale City Road,
Ashland, OR 97520,
__________ s_u_m_m_er_~ Vacation '89
CasuaWl esterCn omforint PhoenixA, rizona m ~
Westwasy An Oasis in theV alleyo f theS un
Westways is a wonderful
guest ranchette located in
easy to reach northwest
Phoenix. Situated on one plus
designer landscaped acre, the
roomy Spanish Med- .
iterranean style resort house
features six private guest
rooms . All new interior
furnishing, decorator designed
for comfort, include
leather and oak in the sunken
fireplaced living room,
antique Victorian oak dining
room, a·nd · rattan and oak in
the Arizona leisure room ...
all with vaulted ceilings .
Each morning a
complimentary · "Ranchette"
continental style breakfast
featuring warm, tasty
homemade pastries is served
in the kitchen or on the patio.
Activities include tennis,
golf, tubing, water skiing,
jogging, swimming, biking,
Uniquaen dS eclduedi nt heH earot f Palm Springs
Escape to El Mirasol Villas • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
El Mirasol, located in one of
Palm Springs lovely residential
districts only minutes
from the finest boutiques,
restaurants, and the famous
Indian mineral baths,
features a limited number of
luxuriously furnished, private
villas. A secure walled
garden oasis surrounds two
new sparkling pools. Being on
the desert is a special
experience. In addition to
enjoying the amenities at El
Mirasol, guests also enjoy
tennis , golf, horseback riding,
biking and quiet trails in
canyons and mountains. Each
morning guests awake to an
elaborate breakfast.
A day, a week, or a month -
any visit to El Mirasol will
be too short.
Contact · El Mirasol Villas,
525 Warm Sands Dr ., Palm
Springs, CA 92264,
•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••
A Memorable Stay in Montreal
EuropeanC harma t HosteUerLiee C hasseur
Intimate, friendly and
quiet, Le Chasseur, Montreal,
Quebec, caters to the casua l
crowd - guests who like the
easy going mood of this
charming down to earth
guesthouse, which features
immaculate guest rooms .
Visitors enjoy a hea rty
breakfast each morning on
the sunny open-air terrace .
Le Chasseur is in the heart of
downtown, just one block
from the famous "Rue
Ste-Cathe rine," placing visitors
within walking distance
of all major a ttractions
including Old Montreal and
Rue Saint-Deni s · and the
.Latin Qua r ter.
Contact Le Chasseur, 1567
rue Saint-Andre , Montrea l,
Quebec, Canada H2L 3T5,
May/ June 1989
fishing, hiking .. . even
panning · for gold ... and much
more! Recreation and culture
abound in the Valley of the
Sun. Guests experience the
magnificent beauty of desert
flora and fauna and delight
in an unlimited variety of
cultural and educational
activit~es, including · outstanding
museums . More
gracious hosts _are not to be
found. Darrell and Brian:
assure guests a memorable
visit .
Contact Westways, P. 0 .
Box 41624, Phoenix, AZ
85080, (602) 582-3868.
P. 0 . Box 118 SL
Bethlehem, NH 03574
(603) 869-3978
InS aFn rancisco
7::fie_ For that "Special Occas~on"
try - or, for strictly business!
Bed & Breakfast
• Panoramic vieWs of the City
• Hot Tub & Sun Deck
■ Suite available ft,r private parties
■ Candlelight go_urmet dinners served in the -elegance of
~:-·- .:-.. - · our dinfog,room or <the -i1ttimacy -ofyour bo udoir·. • ~•• ....., ...,_,_,.~_..~ _~·
• Conference room and secre tarial services available
• First class accommOdatio11s far the woman traveling
pn business .or pleasui-e ·
63 7 Steiner St.
San Francisco, CA 94117
Discover our magic ...
A Prfrate Resort Hotel
•.. why so many of our guests I
return year after year.
Call or write Cor our special
525 ~:=~2:~::: 1
Palm Springs, CA 92264
(619) 327-5913 In CA I
(Color Brochun upon nqt••~ J
the "other" place
under the sun ...
•Steps to the gay beach
•Vi sit near by Mexico
• Pool & cozy jacuz zi
• Fr ee continental breakfa st
Write or call for brochure .
120 E. Atol St., P. 0 . Box 2326
South Padre Island, Texas 78597
(512)761-L YLE
Air connections via: American, Continental, Southwest
Lynn Lavner
Smiles Are Just Her Style
Lynn Lavner, who's been
billed as . "America's most
politically-incorrect entertainer,"
has been playing the
piano and writing songs since
she was seven years old.
"Jewish people from
Brooklyn are expected . to do
this," she claims, "and it is
preferred that they be
self-taught and unable to
read music."
Her songs and humor are
- drawn, says Lavner, from "my
own experiences as a short,
The following announcements
have been submitted by
sponsoring or affiliated
sponsors a conference to be
held in Dayton, Oh. Contact
Community Gospel Church,
Box 1634, Dayton, OH or call
Rev. Bill Roberts or Rev. Sam
Kader (513) 224-4372.
MCC Eugene
MAY 5-7, "Charge Up For
The 90's!" is the theme of
this renewal event at MCC/
Eugene. Special guests ·
include Jim McKirk, Asst ..
District Coordinator, NW,
UFMCC, and Chris Smith as
Special Minister of Music for
Renewal. Workshops include
"Past Pain, Present Grief''
and "Managing Life Period!"
Plus 3 Spirit packed worship
services: Friday, "Recharging
Our Spiritual Batteries,"
Saturday evening, "Spiritual
Empowerment, " and Sunday,
"Stay in the Boat." Contact
MCC/Eugene, Box 10091,
Eugene, OR 97440.
PLGC Annual
JUNE 10, Presbyterians for
Lesbian/Gay Concerns holds
its annual luncheon during
t~e Presbyterian General
Assembly in Philadelphia :
left -handed , · Jewish Lesbian
from New York .. .''
While her act, . best
described as "unconventional,"
is gay in content,
her appearance is aimed at a
playful parody of stereotypes,
and the material is
universally appreciated by
anyone with an open sense . of
humor. The quick-witted
Lavner, who stands only five
feet tall, performs in black
leather ·. Her worldwide
appearances at clubs, univ-
The Inclusive Church Award
will be presented. Contact
PLGC, P. 0. Box 38, New
Brunswick, NJ 08903-0038.
Revival '89
JUNE 9-11, Sonshine Evangelical
Team of Springfield,
II sponsors Camp Revival '89
to be held in Springfield at
Camp Cilca. The weekend
will consist of campfires,
old-time Gospel singing,
workshops on relationships
and charasmatic worship and
worship services. Special
guests include "Revival",
Rev. Marilyn Marr, Rev. Bill
Roberts, Rev. Sam Kader and
Rev. Chuck Breckeriridge. ·· ·
Cost is $25.00 per person,
which includes housing and
meals . (Fee increases for
those registering after May
Contact Sonshine Evangelism
Team, P. 0. Box 20038,
Springfield, IL 62708.
Integrity National
JUNE 30-JUL Y 3, The San
Francisco Integrity Chapter
will host the group's
National Convention .. A
program of challenges and
inspiration has been promised.
Write to Integrity, P.
0. Box 19561, Washington,
D.C. 20036-0561.
JULY 3-8, A workshop for
Christian workers sponsored
by Evangelical Bible
ersities and specia l events
also include perforll}ances at
Metropolitan Community
Churches, Dignity group ·s,
and Gay Synagogues. About
her unexpected popularity at
gay religious events, Lavner
explains, "My father was a
cantor, so I simply regard my
life as a very weird version of
"You Are What You Wear"
is Lavner's latest album
release. It's a collection of
humorous , whimsical and
Institute and Case de Cristo
Church. A variety of topics
will be presented by Fred
Pattison, Kelly Scott, Phyllis
Mann, Ed de la Garza, Joseph
Sombrio, Norma Haak and
others. Limited to_ twelve
participants. To be held at
Casa de Cristo Church,
Phoenix, Az. For information,
w)'.ite to Suminer
Institute, 1029 E. Turney ,
Phoeniz, AZ 85014.
UFMCC 14th
JULY 16-23, The Universal
Fellowship of Metropolitan
Community Churches· holds
its biennial conference . It
will be attended by MCC'ers
from all over the world. A
week of sharing; workshops
and spiritual renewal is
promised . The Radisson
oftentimes serious ·songs with ·
social messages. In the
inspirational "For Every One
Who Falls," . Lavner sings,
"For ·every step we take,
there's another step to
try ... we've never been the
ones to be broken .. :" In the
stirring, emotion-filled
"Anne Frank ," "Looking back
on all the months of keeping
mum ... we _saw-the signs of
things to come ... " And in
"Leather & Lace" Lavner
sings, "It's'just my style to put
Hotel, St. Paul, is the setting .
For more information, contact
your local MCC.
AUGUST 27-30, A three day
retreat for priests and
religious sponsored by
Communication Ministries,
Inc. to be held at Mercy
Center, Burlingame, Cal.
The retreat facilitators, a
woman religious and a priest,
will lead the participants in
prayer, guided reflection, and
dial9g in an attempt to
deepen awareness and
understanding of the ways
sexuality affects all aspects
of life.
For information contact
CMI/Retreat Conference
1989, 245 Lee St., #206,
Oakland, CA 94610.

a smile on your face." This
latest album from Lynn
Lavner does just that - and
more - you'll laugh and you'll
"You Are What You Wear"
is available from Bent
Records, 480 East 17th St.,
Brooklyn, NY 11226, LPs and
cassettes are $9.95 and
compact discs are $14.95.
Also write to Bent Records for
concert booking.information.
Beyond Survival
To Ministry

AUGUST 31, A conference
sponsored by Communica- ·
tions Ministries: 9:30 a.m. -
4:30 p.m., Cathedral Hill
Hotel, Van Ness at Bush St.,
San Francisco, Cal. Featuring
an interview with a panel
, composed of gay diocesan and
religious priests, a religious
brother and a lesbian sister. ·
· Followed by an assessment by
conference participants of the
current situation of
gay /lesbian religious and
priests in the 1,J .S. Church.
Cost is $25.00. Contact
CMI/Retreat Confer- ence
1989, 245 Lee St., #206,
Oakland, CA 94610.
STONE, P.O. BOX 8340,
Church & Organization News □ United Faith
Ministries First
United Faith Ministries of
Denver, Co. has celebrated
its first anniversary . Anna
Frederiksen is pastor . UFM
was started in 1988 as an
ecumenical and inclusive
church for Gays/ Lesbians.
The group meets at the
Unitarian Church, 1400
Lafayette Street in Denver.
For more information write to
UFM, P. 0 . Box 10001,
Denver, CO 80201.
New Pastor for
Rev. Linda Laster .has been
installed as pastor of the
Metropolitan Community
Church of Detroit. Over 200
people attended the installation
Rouge Calls
New Pastor
Rev . Cindy Drake is the
new pastor of the Metropolitan
Community Church of
Baton Rouge, La. Prior to this
position, Rev. brake was
Senior Pastor of All Faiths
MCC in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
She holds a Master · of
Divinity degree from the St .
Paul School of Theology
(United .-Methodist) in
Kansas City and a Bachelor
of Music Education from
Nebraska Wesleyan University
. Rev. Drake was
licensed as a minister in
UFMCC in May, 1987.
Send news and announcements to
Church and Organization News, THE
SECOND STONE, P. 0. Box 8340,
New Orleans, LA 70182.
If sending church newsletters, please
highlight information for our attention.
Families . □ ·
Gay Son A Challenge To Baptist Minister Father
By Rev. Sylvia Pennin'10U
Columnist ·
Dan and Sam are clean-cut,
wholesome types. The kind
of .people you can't help
Sam had easy acceptance,
assurance and love from his
family when he came _out to
them. For Dan it was quite
different. He faced the
inevitable struggle that
almost any gay person whose
dad is a Baptist minister
would experience.
Dan joined the Navy after
two years . of college and
there, for the first tiine, told
his ship buddies that he was
gay . That not only didn't
create a problem, but actually
enabled him to have closer
friends because he was
finally no.t hiding anything.
He met a special someone and
learned what a . wonderful
happening gay love coi:ild be.
Then he got caught and was
discharged from the Navy.
He was in Japan when he
called his parents. Their
excitement . about. .. call :.
made his heart heavy. He
knew that in moments they 'd
be shocked and distraught as
he explained why he was
coming home. Dan felt he
had no choice; he was being
forced to come out. Part of
him still hoped that being
honest with them would
break down the walls that
his hiding had generated.
Their reaction - the words
Dan remembers - '"'It's just a
phase. You don't really have
this dreadful disease." He
was angry : He didn't have a
disease and he knew who he
was and he wasn't going
through a phase, but not
wanting confrontation, he just
let them talk.
When Dan arrived in
Portland his mom and dad
had a big welcome home
party - but to Dan it wasn't
real. He knew they were just
masking what had to follow.
It wasn't long before the
battle raged. Dad caHed a
family meeting in which
everyone was informed that
Dan had homosexuality - a
dread disease. Family
responses differed. One
sister-in-law assured her
love for him. . Her - fundamentalist
husband was_
infuriated. Eventually that
both refused to acknowledge
Dan's existence. Even some of
his close friends made it clear
he was not wanted or ·
welcome. During those dark
months of denial and
rejection, Dan recalled a gay
cousin and how often he'd
heard his dad speak about
not wanting any of his kids to
be weirdos .
After a year of rejection and
humiliation Dan left to go to
school in another city,
vowing he'd never let .his
secret be known again. Had
he but known the work our
Lord would do in all of them,
-he wouldn't have been as
brokenhearted as he was.
.Dan did well scholastically,
kept his secret,
remained celibate and
detached. It was working for
him. School was almost over
when he met a young man in
one of his classes. Hopes of
love and a life-mate
overwhelmed him as he
found Sam to be the most
, ,fascinating hu_1Tian beingJ1e'd _
ever met. Love blossomed and
within a .year they began
their Ii ves together. That
was ele ven years ago and it
was Sam and the beautiful
life and love they shared
that began to cha · ge Dan's
parents' attitude.
They lived clo e by. They
visited. Dan's rri m and dad
grew to love Sa more with
each passing year. They
· could see t eir lives, their •
wholesomeriess and inwardly
began to realize that their
son was not sick or demon
possessed or weird.
Three years later the . -first
evidence of dad's changing
attitude appeared . One of
Dan's brothers called his
father to let him know he
:would not come home for
Thanksgiving dinner if they
were going to let Sam be
there. Dan's father said, "If
that's the way you f~l, then
don't come because I'm going
to make sure Sam is here.
It was the beginning of real
hope for Dan. Even Baptist
ministers could change their
A while later Newsweek
had a picture of Anita Bryant
on the cover . Dad picked up
the magazine and told Dan
and Sam that · he · didn't
really agree with her. Dan's
mom was furious. Her · .
ifornia and began a attend a
Christian gay church called
New Hope. This was during
their eighth year together.
Everyone at the church
prayed frequently for Dan's
parents . Then one day his
parents came to visit Sam and
Dan and went to New Hope
church withthem . Somewhere
during communion
Dan's dad left the church.
When Dan realized he was
gone he went out to find him.
His father was leaning
against the car crying. When
he saw Dan he said, "I'm so
ashamed of all the things
I've said against gay people.
To see what I saw in there
today - the Love, the Truth,
the Honesty. Everyone who .
preaches against gay people ·
should come into this church
first . They'c! have to change
their mind."
. not easy for any of us .· I thank
the Lord for the wondrous
way in which God directs our
paths bringing hope to our
hearts especially in the
crucial area of family
husband had no right to
encourage them; but it was
_step two .
When Dan and Sam had
been together for five years,
Dan's father told them that
the three things he'd
preached hardest against in
his years of ministry were
homosexuality , divorce and
abortion. Now three of his
four · children had experienced
these things -
"You've all taught me that I
must be much more open to
people, and that perhaps my
role as a Baptist min1ster is
not to judge people, but to love
them." Qan was both
delighted and shocked to
hear his dad say this . Two
years later, Dan and Sam
moved to the · San Fernando
Valley in Southern Cal-
Thank you Jesus. You did it
again. Changing our minds is
Rev. Sylvia Pennington, a
heterosexual fundamentalist,
began her ministry to Gays in
the mid-sixties in San
Her first book, But Lord,
They're Gay ($7.00) tells
how God changed her
understanding. Her second
book, Good News for Modern
Gays ($8.00) is a pro-gay
biblical approach .
fler new book, soon to be
released, is Ex-Gays: There
'1.IT None.
Rev . Pennington's books are
available at most _gay
bookstores or can be ordered
from Lambda Christian
Fellowship, PO Box 19-67,
Hawthorne , CA 90250 :
A Presbyterian Promfse
· {1r 11·
"We will work to increase the acceptance and
participation in the churcq of all persons regardless
of racial-ethnic origins, sex, class, age,
disability, marital status or sexual orientation"
- 195th General Assembly (1983),
Atlanta, Georgia
If this is your promise, too,
we invite you to join
Presbyterians for
Lesbian/Gay Concerns
Write to Elder James D. Anderson
PLGC, P.O. Box 38, New Brunswick, NJ
May/June 1989
Closer Look
Justified By Grace Through Faith ·
By Rev. Bruce Roller
Contributing Writer .
There . we were sitting
quietly in the living room of a
couple . i n our congregation . in
Grand Rapids, Michigan,
.sharing, as we do each
Thursday evening, about a
portion ·of Scripture and the .
way it applies to our Jives, .·
when Ken, who was in this
Bible Sharing for the first
time, one of Tanya's friends,
said it. "But what about
Romans 1 ?" For a few seconds
it was quiet. We had come to ·
talk about effective praying.
The regulars at this meeting
had dealt wi .th those
Scriptures time and again.
Most had read the pastor's
extensive pro-gay writings,
and Sylvia Pennington's
wonderful books . Suddenly
everyone had something to
say. Little bits of information
from their reading
and training erupted in
disarray. People interrupted
each other with bits of
interpretation of the Scripture.
A few looked stricken.
Are . we back to this
again? .. . and yet as
Christians who are affirming
or Lesbian and Gay people we
are never far from the
traditional interpretations .of
Scripture. · so he_re we are
again examining the Word of
God illuminated by the Holy
Spirit regarding those tough
verses of Scripture in Romans
For this cause God gave
them up to vile affections: for
even their women did change
the natural use into that
which is against nature : and
likewise .. aiso ihe men,
leaving the natural use of the
woman, burned· in their lust
one toward another; men
with men working that
which is inconvenient, and
receiving in the .ir own
personalities the recompence
of their er_ror which was
appropriate ;
One of my early homiletics
professors was fond of saying,
liJgether Inc.
FOR Gay & Lesbian Christians
In Southern Calffornia ... since 1979
Suite 109-Box 16
7985 Santa Monica Boulevard
West Hollywood, CA 90046
"A text without a context is a
pretext." Cutsey, perhaps,
but I have remembered it for
nearly twenty years now, and
it certainly is appropriate
when dealing with .this
passage of Scripture that
seems so succinctly condeming
of acting on our gay and
lesbian natures in genitally
sexual ways .
The ·extremely conservative
·(and far from pro-gay) .commentator
Matthew Henry
describes the intent of
chapters one through three of
Romans lay i ng the
foundation for the doctrine . of
justification, "and that not by
the .Gentiles' works of nature
(Ch. 1), nor . -by · the Jews'
works of (Ch. 2 & 3),
for both Jews and Gentiles
were liable to the curse; but
only by faith in Jesus Christ,"
Ch. 3. I agree that this is the
intention of the Apostle in
writing these chapters to the
Romans (and subs equently to
us.) In the larger context
then, our text is obviously an
illustration of the · idolworshipping
Gentiles '
atteIT\pt to obscure the God
they recognized in nature and
_in themselves, but were
unwilling to worship as God;
to obscure this true God by
using sexual acts as a means of
worship .
Observe the Scriptural description
of ·these idol-worshippers,
and see if they
sound like the Christian
Lesbian women and Gay men
you know. They did not wish
to retain God in their
-knowledge (i.e., did not .want
to think about God); they
knew about God, but did not
want to acknowledge or
reverence God as God; they
were not thankful for the
blessings of life in general or
for the specific blessing of
God's revelation of God's self
to them; they began to create
new and fantastic philosophies
of religion. They
built idols for themselves and
. invested those idols with the
qualities · of divinity t hat
they may worship them as
gods. Because of. these things
our text says, these
idol-worshippers were given
over by God to do as they
willed. (It was not God's
punishment of the people, but
God's permitting the people
to continue in their own
willful ways, that ano ·wed
them to go farther and
farther from the God who
would ·have been their
Finally the apostle brings
chapter one to a close with
the ugliest description of
depravity .that the pen has
ever drawn . These people are
haters .of God and at least
tw enty-two other sorts of sins
and sinners . There would be
no need for me to write a
column such as this if the
hundreds of thousands of
Christian Gay and Lesbian
people in the world were
described in Romans 1. I
write to convince, not those
who hate God , but those who
love God and yet are
condemned by society and the
□ ·
traditional Christian church
on the misinterpreted basis of
this Scripture.
Romans one is written to
show that those who
obscured God by false and
idolatrous religions of all
kinds were ·_condemning
themselves. Romans two
makes it plain . that even
those who followed the true
religion of Judaism on the
basis of the law rather than
the spirit similarly condemned
themselves. Romans
three makes it plain that,
indeed, ALL · are
self-condemned . All of this
sounc!s rather depressing until
we . get to the climax of.
Romans - Romans 3 :23-24: ·
For all have sinned and
· come short . of the glory of
God, so that all may be
justified freely by God's grace
through the ·. redemption that
is in Jesus Christ.
The tender loving relating
of homosexual persons is the
farthest thing from the mind,
the spirit, and the pen of the
apostle. The God who IS love
does not condemn l_ove or
lovers, but hate, alienation,
and condemnation itself.
The Reverend Bruce • Roller
is pastor of Reconciliation .
MCC in Grand Rapids, MI.
He . welcomes your personal
comments and observations on
this column through the
publisher of his books and
other resource materials:
Faithful Publications, PO
Box 3701, Grand Rapids, MI
Al!long ·
, M~gazine ·
· Gay & Lesbian News, Resources
PO Box426
Madison WI 53701
Parting Thought
Just Who Do You Think You Are?
By Dr. Martin FowJer yet ... that is just what we try
Contributing Writer when we.justify ourselves, for
each of us is one of God's own
. • Fi!!. in -the bl<!nks . . "I don't . working ;ideas.
.·. flaunt the fact .that Tm..:::..:_, · ·: • I,f it's •true that Christ
· but if someone asked:rne; rd . • justifies 0and defends u,s, then
be ·honest and tell ·them that. there -is really no point in our
I'm __ ." You could , fill in trying to justify and deferid
the .blanks equally welj.~~i), . · 0!-1r,s~lye,s_: ,,\'Ve already have
· "Gay'' or "Christian" .' We _. .a capable defender. Selfdiligently
groom out integrity . justification- is · worse th,m
for those prospective '. cha:!• · pointless for a Christian , . It
leriges and prying questions . . ··is ,acting as · though Christ's
But the opportunity · comes · sacrifice and intercession for
defend and proclaim, riot
Martin Fowler is a member of
the Dallas-Ft. Worth Chapter
of Evangelicals Concerned.
He earned his
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unprepared. Afterwards, we · like Peter by the fire,
ponder the . clever and denying Christin some way.
appropriate things we might When someone tries to
have said, if only we had tempt or bully you into
been better prepared. justifying yourself, refuse.
While warming his hands Not because you are above
by the fire in the courtyard, reproach, but because Christ
Peter might have been calls Jou to something better
rehearsing what to say if the than · self-justification. . As
authorities challengiJd , him Peter reminds us, " ... sanctify
about Jesus . Jesus had . just Christ as Lord in your hearts,
been arrested and · the other always being ready to make a
disciples had fled. Just as he defense to every one who asks
was getting warm. .. just when you to givean account for the
he least expected it ... someone ·hope that is .in you, with
accused him of being Jesus' gentleness -and reverence." (1
associate. Peter angrily Peter 3:15). It is that hope
denied _ k~owing Jesus at all.. y;hich _ we are commanded to
We expect to give
justification for our beliefs or
behavior, but when someone
asks us to justify who we are,
this demand catches us by
surprise . We find out on the
spot that we can't justify
ourselves in any truly
satisfactory way, no matter
how well we think of
ourselves or how much we've
accomplished. We feel
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But "unjustifiable" needn't
mean "bad". We falter
because we can only justify Classified Order Form what we've made, but none of
us is truly "self-made". We
can make money or make
progress but no one makes
himself, no matter how big
his ego is. No one is his or
her own · Creator. We're
willing to defend and justify
our best ideas but none of us
would think of trying to
justify God's own ideas. And
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“Second Stone #4 - May/June 1989”, Second Stone, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 22, 2025,