My Lesbian Daughter


Stole Text

This Stole Is Given To Honor My Lesbian Daughter

The Rev. B. David Hostetter
Newark, New Jersey

Contribution Story

This stole was one of the original 80 stoles that were on display on Sept. 16, 1995 when I set aside my ordination before Heartland Presbytery (see stole #1 for details).

 This stole is generations old. It was given to us by a retired pastor, David Hostetter, to honor his daughter.  Made of heavy black material trimmed with black cord and fringe, its only color being that of a small maltese-style cross of dark gold metal thread woven into the neck area , it stands in stark contrast to the more colorful stoles that surround it at displays.  It is the sort of stole that was worn for funerals up until the early part of the last century.  More than a few parents have commented over the years that it embodies the immense grief and loss so many parents experience over the church's rejection of their children.  It is a precious -- and powerful -- part of this collection.


Martha Juillerat

Shower of Stoles Project


Archival Record

Stole Number: 40
Honoree(s): My Lesbian Daughter
Donor(s): Rev. B. David Hostetter
Geography: Newark, New Jersey (USA)
Faith Tradition: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Donation Date: 1995


“My Lesbian Daughter,” LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed February 23, 2025,