After the Ordination...
In 1979, a reporter from the New York Times interviewed Loey and Jody while they were attending the General Synod meeting of the UCC. Their ordination was now known from coast to coast.
Unfortunately, the article has some incorrect information printed. Below, Loey Powell has provided clarification to help rectify these inaccuracies...
- The Rev. William (Bill) Johnson was ordained at the Community UCC in San Mateo, CA, by the Golden Gate Association of the No. California-Nevada Conference.
- Re: Rev. Katagiri’s comment: “Nobody asked” is because of the policy adopted by the Committee on Ministry that sexual orientation is neither a deterrent to nor reason for ordination. Loey, Jody and Stacy did come out to the members of Milll Valley Community Church during the process and asked for their continued support which was unanimously granted.
- Rev. Cusulos was not working as an “entertainer.” She is a musician, however.
Rev. Bill Eichhorn talks about the ordination of Loey Powell, Stacy Cusulos, and Jody Parsons.
In 2019, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network got to talk with Loey, Jody, and Stacy about their ordination in 1978.
Online preview and discussion of this exhibit, Feb 25, 2020, with Loey Powell, Stacy Cusulos, and Jody Parsons.