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On the road from Gaza to Jerusalem, Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was discussing Christian scripture with the Queen of Ethiopia and her advisor, a eunuch, who requested to be baptised.


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On the road from Gaza to Jerusalem, Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was discussing Christian scripture with the Queen of Ethiopia and her advisor, a eunuch, who requested to be baptised.


A painting by Rembrandt, based on a biblical passage, Acts VIII:26–40, Philip, a disciple of Jesus, was on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza when he met a man from Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian is described as ‘an eunuch of great authority under the reign of Queen Candace of Ethiopia whose chariot he shares while discussing Isaiah, an old testament book. Philip relates his interpretation and baptizes the eunuch in the name of Jesus, who he introduces as the one the prophets foretold.

The newly converted eunuch "went on his way rejoicing."




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Alexandre-Denis Abel de Pujol (1787-1861)
Saint Philippe baptisant l'eunuque de la reine d'Ethiopie sur le chemin de Jérusalem à Gaza
Saint Philip baptising the Eunuch of the Queen of Ethiopia on the road from Jerusalem to Gaza
Oil on canvas
2.4 x 3.06 metres
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Valenciennes


“On the road from Gaza to Jerusalem, Peter, a disciple of Jesus, was discussing Christian scripture with the Queen of Ethiopia and her advisor, a eunuch, who requested to be baptised.”, The Historical Development of BIPOC Trans-Spiritual Leadership, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed March 6, 2025,
