The BIPOC Community Garden
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The BIPOC Community Garden
The Jane Minor BIPOC Community Medicine Garden is a sanctuary for Black, Indigenous and People of Color to come together to connect with the Earth, the plants, the community, and with themselves.
"There is probably no agent more productive of interest than children’s gardens, which embody almost if not quite every phase of practical rural nature study. If properly presented new revelations and discoveries will constantly be unfolding before the pupil, increasing his enthusiasm and gradually enlarging his educational horizon." (George Washington Carver, in “The Value of Nature Study and Children’s Gardens,” The Cornell Countryman, v. 4, May 1907, p. 249-250).
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“The BIPOC Community Garden”, The Historical Development of BIPOC Trans-Spiritual Leadership, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed March 6, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/bipoc-trans-spiritual/item/2075.