Swami Vivekandana
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Swami Vivekandana
The bramacharyin who tried to lead Americans into developing continence for spiritual power.
Enoch H. Page, 2015. The Gender, Race, and Class Barriers Enclosing Yoga as White Public Space. In, Yoga and the Body: An Intersectional Analysis of Contemporary Body Politics, Mindfulness, and Embodied Social Change. Rowman & Littlefield: Lanham, Maryland. Melanie Klein, Beth Berila, Chelsea Jackson, eds., pp. 1-33.
“Swami Vivekandana”, The Historical Development of BIPOC Trans-Spiritual Leadership, LGBTQ Religious Archives Network, accessed March 6, 2025, https://exhibits.lgbtran.org/exhibits/show/bipoc-trans-spiritual/item/2275.