Jennifer Paty

“You cannot stop your soul’s journey toward the sacred. You can fight it, but you can’t stop it.” - Rev. Jennifer Paty

This episode of Queer Spirit interviewed Jennifer Paty. The conversation included the ways spirituality is formed across generations, the cost of the marriage equality movement, and the ingenuity of the queer community.

Listen also on Spotify!

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Rev. Jennifer Paty is the Director of Pilgrim Lodge Camp and Retreat Center, an outdoors ministry of the Maine Conference of the United Church of Christ. The team that hired her said this of her: “Jen’s strong leadership, excellent ministry and social justice experience, steadfast work ethic, and contagious enthusiasm are just a few of the attributes” that won us over. “She brings a wealth of knowledge from overseeing the recreation programs and family services of large US military installations, both here in the United States and overseas.”

Jen served twenty years in the U.S. Navy, is active in Veterans for Peace, has been a pastor and educator, a street minister for the homeless, and all along a human rights activist, including her work with other service members to repeal “Don’t ask Don’t Tell.” Ordained in the Metropolitan Community Church, she served that denomination for a dozen years, including several years in Canada. With her life-partner Amy Blake, Jen also operates a counseling practice utilizing the Imago model of relationship transformation.