Queer Spirits: The Interviews

LBGTQ+ people often feel forced to choose between their faith (and faith community) and their desire to authentically inhabit their gender and sexuality. The result has often been that queer folk have been distanced from, even starved of, spaces for sacred ritual, meaning making, and community. At the same time, religious communities have been impoverished by the absence of queer prophetic voices that illuminate new ways of knowing and responding to the Sacred. The hope of this Queer Spirit project is that these conversations will provide greater insight and deeper engagement by and for both queer and religious communities.

Click on the guests below to learn more about them, their journeys, and listen to their interviews. The guests of Queer Spirit represented a wide diversity of backgrounds and traditions. Rabbi, Latter Day Saint, ex-Catholic, Muslim, Evangelical, Wiccan - each testified to the possibility and reality of bringing together spirituality and sexuality. 

Listen also on Spotify!